"Bah! What is wrong with this?"
It is a question I ask myself many times. Even more so when a story isn't going my way... I've been working on the "Faux Pas" story, which I was going to be story one for my little compilation, that I've been working on. For some reason it won't work. But I'll make it work. I hope. I don't get why I was able to write "For This Reason of Vice" in a way that I enjoyed, but "Faux Pas" won't go my way. It's annoying.
I think story three is going to be good though. Maybe I'll move onto that for now. Mainly though, I've diverted more of my time to scholastic activities. Like, as I mentioned last post, getting the GED. Once high school is no longer an issue I can easily divert my time to other things. That makes me a happy panda.
Writer's Digest is having another contest in the Spring. It allows a little more elbow room with the word count. I'm defintely sending something in for that. Post-GED, I'll have the time to get a few submissions in.
Dec 1, 2007
General Equivalency Diploma. Those three words create a certain uncertainity in me. A slight itching on the back of my neck... my toes rapidly get cold (if I'm not wearing socks). And I start to smell 80's cologne as I imagine a room filled with a lot of so-called losers trying to make up for past failures in the realm of high school education. And I don't know if you've ever come across 80's cologne... but it smells much different then the modern stuff. In a bad way. Oh yes... a very bad way...
But then a shining light lifts away it all... the losers, the itching... the cologne... yes, even my toes grow comfortable... and warm. As if I'm snuggled up close to a fire which warms my very soul. This light... it is called... GED-"OWNAGE"!
In the days preceeding Thanksgiving I cracked open a tome titled "GED-2007" or somethign like that. I took the practice test. It's got five parts. There is... Writing, Writing (essay), Social Studies, Science, and Math. I scored 80% on both writing and social studies. Can't grade the essay, cause it is precisely that, an essay. and I got 76% on science. I hit math and a Trig problem brought me to my knees. However... this is good news. Trig is looking the hardest of the math, and armed with the allowed calculater and a feverish study of the subject, I feel much better about it. The wonderful book also has a section on the required knowledge of the math section. So I've got my resources just waiting to be tapped.
But the good thing is, around 55% is passing grade. So i've got everything but math covered. That makes me happy. They say science is the hardest subject, and boy, was I relieved when I checked my answers and got 38 out of 50 questions right. Still, there is plenty of room for improvement. But, there is something so comforting about having a firm grip on my graduation. If nothing but basic trig stands in my way, then victory is near.
So I've been studying and soon I'm going to take the math portion. Wowzers, God is good.
But then a shining light lifts away it all... the losers, the itching... the cologne... yes, even my toes grow comfortable... and warm. As if I'm snuggled up close to a fire which warms my very soul. This light... it is called... GED-"OWNAGE"!
In the days preceeding Thanksgiving I cracked open a tome titled "GED-2007" or somethign like that. I took the practice test. It's got five parts. There is... Writing, Writing (essay), Social Studies, Science, and Math. I scored 80% on both writing and social studies. Can't grade the essay, cause it is precisely that, an essay. and I got 76% on science. I hit math and a Trig problem brought me to my knees. However... this is good news. Trig is looking the hardest of the math, and armed with the allowed calculater and a feverish study of the subject, I feel much better about it. The wonderful book also has a section on the required knowledge of the math section. So I've got my resources just waiting to be tapped.
But the good thing is, around 55% is passing grade. So i've got everything but math covered. That makes me happy. They say science is the hardest subject, and boy, was I relieved when I checked my answers and got 38 out of 50 questions right. Still, there is plenty of room for improvement. But, there is something so comforting about having a firm grip on my graduation. If nothing but basic trig stands in my way, then victory is near.
So I've been studying and soon I'm going to take the math portion. Wowzers, God is good.
Writer's Digest Stole My Soul
Only for a few night though. In which time I was writing for one of fore-mentioned company's contests. The deadline is Dec. 3. And I'm putting finishing touches on my "maybe" submission as I write this. Well... not "right" when I'm writing this, but you know, in general...
The thing is, the contest is a short, short, story contest. 1,500 words or less. That's really small. About three pages or less, small. My would-be submission clocks in at 3,000 unedited. That's really (relatively!) big. I got to cut it in half. I hate it when I have to cut stuff to size. Each sentence you kick out is like a little piece of time being put to the fires of uselessness. Oh well...
The main problem though is that... well, I have to write something good. I am pretty happy with the story as a whole, but not if I have to cut half of it out. And I don't really know how else to do it.
Wish me luck if you would, good reader. I got a few ideas... hopefully I can pull it out by Monday.
On the up side though... I bought some Flyleaf songs last night. And they're pretty cool. I've been meaning to get some of their stuff for a long time, so that's cool. It's a strange thing, in that their vocalist isn't great, and the musicianship is okay... but they possess an energy and... sincerity? That is quite appealing.
Laterz, reader.
The thing is, the contest is a short, short, story contest. 1,500 words or less. That's really small. About three pages or less, small. My would-be submission clocks in at 3,000 unedited. That's really (relatively!) big. I got to cut it in half. I hate it when I have to cut stuff to size. Each sentence you kick out is like a little piece of time being put to the fires of uselessness. Oh well...
The main problem though is that... well, I have to write something good. I am pretty happy with the story as a whole, but not if I have to cut half of it out. And I don't really know how else to do it.
Wish me luck if you would, good reader. I got a few ideas... hopefully I can pull it out by Monday.
On the up side though... I bought some Flyleaf songs last night. And they're pretty cool. I've been meaning to get some of their stuff for a long time, so that's cool. It's a strange thing, in that their vocalist isn't great, and the musicianship is okay... but they possess an energy and... sincerity? That is quite appealing.
Laterz, reader.
Nov 13, 2007
iTunes Plus
"Bum, Bum, Da', Da', Du', Du'!"
Are you ready to listen to some jams? If so, iTunes has it all! From, "Finnish Fiddle Folk Rock", to, "The Ultimate Disney Animated Movies Music Compilation".
Actually, it doesn't, don't believe the lies. iTunes is useful for us peeps who don't wish to *questionably* download our music from Limewire or other sites. But sadly, it doesn't rival the sheer mass of tracks available to those using fore-mentioned client programs. However... quality, if your willing to spend a few bucks, can be the winning factor in one's choice to hassle with clients, or paying cash. Thus comes, iTunes plus! Some music, an odd selection due to licensing issues, is available in 256 kbps quality, but... is it worth the 30 cents extra it costs for the "plussed" music?
Kinda. If it's offered, and you want the music, might as well, because if you ever want to purchase plus material you have to upgrade your entire library, that is "eligble" for "Plus". So yeah, when I wanted to upgrade my Sonata Arctica albums, I had to feel the pain as I DLed enhanced "Celtic Woman" albums. Now, if you have a brother that doesn't listen to Celitc Woman, then I guess your fine, but if you ever purchased an album that you found out you didn't care for, and it is now in iTunes plus, you have to upgrade it too. And it cost 30c for each song for the upgrade. I spent 20$ for about five albums and a handful of single songs. It was pricey indeed, but it sounds better. Still...
"Reckoning Night" the fourth studio effort from Sonata Arctica, was always a bit... muted? Thus it was my least favorite of all their albums. Strange thing too, considering the mixing quality on SonArc albums is usually so good. Well, I updated it with iTunes Plus, and I gotta say, it sounds much better. It all does. So if you got the extra buck, it's pretty cool feature from Apple.
By the way, it seems all songs in iTunes Plus are now the normal one buck at purchase time. You still have to pay the upgrade cost though. Oh well...
Are you ready to listen to some jams? If so, iTunes has it all! From, "Finnish Fiddle Folk Rock", to, "The Ultimate Disney Animated Movies Music Compilation".
Actually, it doesn't, don't believe the lies. iTunes is useful for us peeps who don't wish to *questionably* download our music from Limewire or other sites. But sadly, it doesn't rival the sheer mass of tracks available to those using fore-mentioned client programs. However... quality, if your willing to spend a few bucks, can be the winning factor in one's choice to hassle with clients, or paying cash. Thus comes, iTunes plus! Some music, an odd selection due to licensing issues, is available in 256 kbps quality, but... is it worth the 30 cents extra it costs for the "plussed" music?
Kinda. If it's offered, and you want the music, might as well, because if you ever want to purchase plus material you have to upgrade your entire library, that is "eligble" for "Plus". So yeah, when I wanted to upgrade my Sonata Arctica albums, I had to feel the pain as I DLed enhanced "Celtic Woman" albums. Now, if you have a brother that doesn't listen to Celitc Woman, then I guess your fine, but if you ever purchased an album that you found out you didn't care for, and it is now in iTunes plus, you have to upgrade it too. And it cost 30c for each song for the upgrade. I spent 20$ for about five albums and a handful of single songs. It was pricey indeed, but it sounds better. Still...
"Reckoning Night" the fourth studio effort from Sonata Arctica, was always a bit... muted? Thus it was my least favorite of all their albums. Strange thing too, considering the mixing quality on SonArc albums is usually so good. Well, I updated it with iTunes Plus, and I gotta say, it sounds much better. It all does. So if you got the extra buck, it's pretty cool feature from Apple.
By the way, it seems all songs in iTunes Plus are now the normal one buck at purchase time. You still have to pay the upgrade cost though. Oh well...
Nov 6, 2007
"Pop" Culture
“Pop”, the word… what does it mean? Easy. Popular, we just abbreviate it for kicks. Which means? “In relation to the general public/appealing or appreciated by a wide range of people”.
Pop culture is the waves that beat the shore. Every person just another wave, and slowly, by the waves conforming and beating the same place, they reshape the shore. No one act can truly change what is pop; it’s a wide range of variables that can hardly be tracked.
This pattern has been followed for thousands of years, from the masses in Rome looking up to their emperors and the court of their administrations, to Hollywood and Wall Street. We adapt our dress code, musical taste, habits, styles, and morality from them. People we deem more wise then us, even if it’s not justified admiration.
It’s a soup of variables, just waiting to boil over, and recreate the culture. Except those boiling points are few, and only a few times can we safely say one event reinvented “pop” culture. Even fewer that reinvented the masses at large. In fact, there could possibly be none that accomplished that massive feat.
One of the largest recent events to change culture in America would be that of the Hippie revolution. But it didn’t completely change it. A majority of the population didn’t support it even, and the election of Nixon in its height is strong evidence for this fact. Not to mention the revolution just didn’t happen of course, but was the sum of variables which placed a “radical” community together in a small portion of San Francisco. But it can still be safely said that the soup of culture boiled over at that point.
But the events described definitely show how the culture can change and how it does. But in my personal observations, the changes are much more subtle. The change would be to radical, as it was with the Flower Child Revolution, if each time the culture changed, it did so in a buildup that tore down so many other aspects of the old culture.
Now that I’ve established my thoughts on a working of a culture, I’ll do my best to describe our own.
The cons are pretty evident. It’s evidently confused as a whole. The core of it is a cuddly non-threatening eternal “American Idol” show. It remains respectful of communities that it must and if needed, a jab at those that are free targets, if inclined or profit is gained by the action (or a punch line). The core culture is one crafted by media elite and celebrities. Charity and tolerance are preached as a church of faith, and respect and sacrifice is admired. Sounds pretty good.
But the outer core is a wee bit on the darker side, a more threatening presence that condemns those that don’t strictly fall in the standards of its norm. It’s restrictive. Brutally so. Un-progressively so. A stifling presence on the voices of creativity and genius. Debates are called on by talking heads instead of voices of reason. On who can talk the fastest and throw out the fastest jokes. This is probably something though all cultures suffer from.
Strictly speaking, the core isn’t hardcore and the outer core is mean. And of course, the music is terrible.
Pop music is like the rest of the culture, an aspect ruled and crafted by the same forces. From cheesy 80’s metal to Nirvana induced emotism’, it’s all down hill. Music has evolved into a show. The popular bands probably don’t belong there because many of the lesser-known bands or songs or the ones’ with the better musicianship. It’s a trap. It rewards exposure, not skill. A game of chance. Much like the publishing industry, sadly.
The pros are that the main culture is breaching, and the smaller cultures are getting larger. The pop culture’s tolerance creed thankfully extends itself to all cultures in the best of circumstances and if your tired of Linkin Park, you can listen to Sonata Arctica. So the pros are indeed, that unlike in the 90’s, the world isn’t totally controlled by the million dollar starlets and talk-show hosts. At least, back then it seemed it was…
Being of the pop culture is following the crowd, conformism, and not thinking for yourself. Fooling yourself into thinking that you can’t decide important decisions for yourself. Maybe you can’t. But the talking heads can’t either.
I’m talking about the “hardcore” pop culture, that isn’t hardcore. That is touchy feely, instead of compassionate, and the harbingers of shallowness.
The pop culture is the oxymoron of praising individuality in a thousand Disney movies and destroying it at the same time with the peer pressure mechanic.
Just a little guy's opinion.
Pop culture is the waves that beat the shore. Every person just another wave, and slowly, by the waves conforming and beating the same place, they reshape the shore. No one act can truly change what is pop; it’s a wide range of variables that can hardly be tracked.
This pattern has been followed for thousands of years, from the masses in Rome looking up to their emperors and the court of their administrations, to Hollywood and Wall Street. We adapt our dress code, musical taste, habits, styles, and morality from them. People we deem more wise then us, even if it’s not justified admiration.
It’s a soup of variables, just waiting to boil over, and recreate the culture. Except those boiling points are few, and only a few times can we safely say one event reinvented “pop” culture. Even fewer that reinvented the masses at large. In fact, there could possibly be none that accomplished that massive feat.
One of the largest recent events to change culture in America would be that of the Hippie revolution. But it didn’t completely change it. A majority of the population didn’t support it even, and the election of Nixon in its height is strong evidence for this fact. Not to mention the revolution just didn’t happen of course, but was the sum of variables which placed a “radical” community together in a small portion of San Francisco. But it can still be safely said that the soup of culture boiled over at that point.
But the events described definitely show how the culture can change and how it does. But in my personal observations, the changes are much more subtle. The change would be to radical, as it was with the Flower Child Revolution, if each time the culture changed, it did so in a buildup that tore down so many other aspects of the old culture.
Now that I’ve established my thoughts on a working of a culture, I’ll do my best to describe our own.
The cons are pretty evident. It’s evidently confused as a whole. The core of it is a cuddly non-threatening eternal “American Idol” show. It remains respectful of communities that it must and if needed, a jab at those that are free targets, if inclined or profit is gained by the action (or a punch line). The core culture is one crafted by media elite and celebrities. Charity and tolerance are preached as a church of faith, and respect and sacrifice is admired. Sounds pretty good.
But the outer core is a wee bit on the darker side, a more threatening presence that condemns those that don’t strictly fall in the standards of its norm. It’s restrictive. Brutally so. Un-progressively so. A stifling presence on the voices of creativity and genius. Debates are called on by talking heads instead of voices of reason. On who can talk the fastest and throw out the fastest jokes. This is probably something though all cultures suffer from.
Strictly speaking, the core isn’t hardcore and the outer core is mean. And of course, the music is terrible.
Pop music is like the rest of the culture, an aspect ruled and crafted by the same forces. From cheesy 80’s metal to Nirvana induced emotism’, it’s all down hill. Music has evolved into a show. The popular bands probably don’t belong there because many of the lesser-known bands or songs or the ones’ with the better musicianship. It’s a trap. It rewards exposure, not skill. A game of chance. Much like the publishing industry, sadly.
The pros are that the main culture is breaching, and the smaller cultures are getting larger. The pop culture’s tolerance creed thankfully extends itself to all cultures in the best of circumstances and if your tired of Linkin Park, you can listen to Sonata Arctica. So the pros are indeed, that unlike in the 90’s, the world isn’t totally controlled by the million dollar starlets and talk-show hosts. At least, back then it seemed it was…
Being of the pop culture is following the crowd, conformism, and not thinking for yourself. Fooling yourself into thinking that you can’t decide important decisions for yourself. Maybe you can’t. But the talking heads can’t either.
I’m talking about the “hardcore” pop culture, that isn’t hardcore. That is touchy feely, instead of compassionate, and the harbingers of shallowness.
The pop culture is the oxymoron of praising individuality in a thousand Disney movies and destroying it at the same time with the peer pressure mechanic.
Just a little guy's opinion.
Oct 29, 2007
An Effort to Show Sincerity
Now normally, I post a "I'm back! Whee!," post and have done with it, right? Not so. Actions speak louder then words, and so I'm writing at least three posts post-"I'm Back! Whee!" tonight to really push myself back on the blogging bus. I just hope I don't forget my lunch. Or worse yet, get bullied out of it. Hate when that happens. Good thing I got my dew. I can last days on a pack of dews. A chug, chug here, a chug, chug there... "E" "I" "E" "I" "O"! Everywhere... everywhere... a chug, chug, and I'm good to go. And yes, the dew was wholly responsible for this starting paragraph. I plead the fifth, as I imagine me, the defendant taking the stand in a legal proceeding, and squeaking, "the Dew made me do it!"
I would leap in right, to some hard issues writing, in this post... but... for a more serious post on my perceptions on certain ideas or issues, I want a better title, especially for the next post. So I'll recap my literary and life goals. Yeah, that's always rich.
"I want to be a writer! An author!" I screamed it out on the "Anthony Patton & Gary Forester Show" and I'll say it again here. More on that little episode in the posts ahead. But anyway, time for a super recap of how I got here, which is pretty much the tale of my leap into existence, at least for little old me.
Three or four years ago I believe, I got this weird idea I wanted to be a writer. Or something, who knows, I was a weird kid. And yes, four years senior does allow me to comment from a different perspective on younger days. Eleven to fifteen is a huge maturity gap. And for me, a huge height gap.
Anyway, I'm horrible at spelling, penmanship, and grammar. Or I was. So I believe the first thing I wrote was about three pages of something about rabbits... yeah, I was a weird kid. Of course, it was total trash, so then I wrote some more things, as in a few pages that were at the *most*, utter dribble. I was twelve at the most bout' then, so I don't give myself too much of a hard time though. These little escapades though made me realize how bad my spelling and such was, which is a good thing, and really helped with my understanding of the English language. Made me hate it a lot more. For quite awhile I was pursuing the guitar, and music, as a career choice. Bad choice. I love the guitar though, and practice everyday now... So back then I think I officially swapped out my destiny.
So then I started on a story set in 42 AD. about two Celtic tribes duking it out, with Romans in the mix. Ah... sweet naive days, indeed... that was when I really started getting more interested though in writing, because it was an actual plot, for one. So anyway, first draft was... really bad. Second draft? Bad. I continued that for quite some time, perhaps a year or more, off and on. Good practice even though it was lacking in every single aspect imaginable. All this after I realized, you had to be a pro to make it in the music industry. Plus, I could never pull off power cords. Dang. I can now though. WHEEE!
By that time, my skills were kinda shaping up... barely passable? I wisely sacrificed this "Celtic" story though, after working to about half way through. And I also knew I always wanted to write fantasy. I think back then, I was wonder the impression that stories didn't need plots, or something, because it was pretty light in that area, speaking of the fantasy project I started shortly after the Celtic one.
So right. Here I was, fourteen, August 2006, writing a novella. About some band of youths aiding a village in the defense against the evil dude o' normal-stock villain. I wrote on that August-February. Then I callously abandoned it. Or so it seemed. I've said it in other posts, it's not dead, I just *had* to give it up due to the evolution of my writing abilities. I go back and read some... and cringe, for it's written badly, and the plot is cliche' to the point of drawing tears. I can't let that slip. I have ideas for it though. Like, adding plot. What good ol' "Main Project 1" taught me above all else, is how to *avoid* bad things. Uninteresting characters, pigeon-hole plots, and how to write bad scenes. I owe a lot to it's demise. Current demise. It'll be reborn, in a new form, like a rising Phoenix... rise'n from the ash of status quo and worse. Phoenix's are cool.
I casually call Main Project 1 "Bob". And I must say... Bob will be back, better then ever... oh yes, Bob will... be back... Don't ask what I call Main Project 4 (Yes, I'm up to four, but that's because I'm an idea freak, and not a finisher, and mind you, 4 is nothing more then hordes of collected ideas and a few paragraphs) all the other three though exist in substantial form though... to bad 1 and 2 need so much work.
Zoom to March, 2007. Actually... back a little. January was a good month for me. Back to other things... "Main Project 2"... It spanned from March-July 2007. Sadly it was doomed to failure. A task I couldn't complete due to it's expansive nature. It originally was just like thirty pages I was doing for kicks... but it spiraled into two-hundred p's. Got big. (Point at self, *idea freak*) It was a better plot and it pushed MP1 out of the way, for the better perhaps. MP2 taught me a lot... like how to write. Methods to use, plot hooks, interesting characters, more epic scenes. It's a full draft now. Or 90% draft. But it needs work. Everything does when your learning. You gotta polish things, and I didn't have the patience or something to do it... but that's what I tell myself. The truth is that it was more trouble then it was worth. It wasn't good. It wasn't worth reading. That's a vital part of a story. It will be completed however, and I already, like MP1, have lots of ideas how to improve it. It's a sure fire "one day, done" though because the events need to be told for other projects.
I stopped writing those two projects, because it had to be done. It was the evolution of my own skills, mind, and self. And I can honestly say, what I'm doing now is much more important then them. Books are like kids... you always burn the first batch. Sometimes the second, even.
"Onward! Press forth! To the Future I Go!" My anthem in a time of confusion. I picked up a load of writing books one night, and read em'. Turning point in my little life. The concepts instilled into me and I realized... everything? I sat down that night and typed up a shorty called "Ring" about two assassins. It was okay. I think. I mean the plot was skimpy, and some of the interactions were bad, but the writing... it was semi-good. It was coherent. Turning point.
I've changed so much in the last few months that it startles me. Just the whole plate seems to have been given, not the crumbs and I find myself making far less mistakes then before. To which I fully attribute to God, and my good friends, like you reader, who've given me an example to strive towards. Prideful to say it yes, but I just like myself better now. *Trip* Dang pride... seems though I can tackle whatever needs to be done. Kinda.
So that night, after reading up on writing, I launched a template. Three short stories, a compilation of sorts, that sampled content from the fantasy setting I had been working on for nearly two years, and had drastically changed twice, now coming into it's third change, thanks to this compilation. The original stories were "Ring", "?The Crimson Advantage?", and "The Dimiduim Ordeal". I'm not really sure what story two's name was... I think it was the crimson advantage... dumb name. Ring was done, and I started that night on whatever story two's name was at the time. Opening with the iconic lines, everyone has to love... "The man smiled as he washed the blood from his hands." Yeah, doesn't get any sweeter then that! I finished it. One month later. And my goodness... I liked it. It was a revelation that I could actually enjoy something I wrote. Good deal. I also changed it's name quite quickly from whatever it had been, to "For the Sake of Revenge." But that's taken by a really good Sonata Arctica song (About a relationship gone bad) so I had to change it. With a few tinkering switches, "For This Reason of Vice" was born. Nice ring, eh?
It told an original story, with an interesting main character, and an adulterer that you couldn't help but sympathize with. At least I did... but I'm biased. Because I'm it's author, not because I'm an adulterer mind you. :P Like I said a few posts back, email me for a copy. Tell me what you think. For any that got an early version, I've updated it *meaningfully* twice. Good deal...
So with something I deemed *decent* under my belt, I launched forth. My first strike? Ring. It died. Bitterly... muwahwahuh! I replaced it with another story, "The Beast", guess what it's about? I changed it to, "The Beasts", more recently, and then I actually changed the name again, because I thought it was too... quasi-dramatic. Thus, "Faux Pas", was born. Everyone probably knows this, but Faux Pas denotes a social blunder. Awesome. I'm 3/4 done that know. Busy, busy. The third story, "The Dimiduim Ordeal", didn't turn out well, I was almost done it, but decided to abandon it because of it's weakness. "Severed From My Sunrise Confessed Angel", was born, or SFMSCA. It needed a big ol' name because it's events are substantially more epic in size. Notice the progression, short to long, with the names. Their scope enhances with each story as well. From lone seeker, to public figure, to political engineer. Just gotta make story three *epic* enough so that it isn't undeniably cheesy. Maybe it already is... I have a hard time detecting the "cheese factor" in titles and words, sometimes.
So that's the literary tale of the last few years. I'm very much concentrated on finishing these stories, the compilation actually, by New Years time. Which also happens to be when I'm aiming on graduation of high school via the path of the GED. I've really set myself up to be ready for it by the end of the year, and that's made me quite the happier person. With such feats under my belt, compilation, and GED, my options will be quite open. My main focus is to get a job here in Folsom, which is, yes, legal at my age. I need to start raking in the cash.
Good bye folks, God bless you, and thank you for reading.
I would leap in right, to some hard issues writing, in this post... but... for a more serious post on my perceptions on certain ideas or issues, I want a better title, especially for the next post. So I'll recap my literary and life goals. Yeah, that's always rich.
"I want to be a writer! An author!" I screamed it out on the "Anthony Patton & Gary Forester Show" and I'll say it again here. More on that little episode in the posts ahead. But anyway, time for a super recap of how I got here, which is pretty much the tale of my leap into existence, at least for little old me.
Three or four years ago I believe, I got this weird idea I wanted to be a writer. Or something, who knows, I was a weird kid. And yes, four years senior does allow me to comment from a different perspective on younger days. Eleven to fifteen is a huge maturity gap. And for me, a huge height gap.
Anyway, I'm horrible at spelling, penmanship, and grammar. Or I was. So I believe the first thing I wrote was about three pages of something about rabbits... yeah, I was a weird kid. Of course, it was total trash, so then I wrote some more things, as in a few pages that were at the *most*, utter dribble. I was twelve at the most bout' then, so I don't give myself too much of a hard time though. These little escapades though made me realize how bad my spelling and such was, which is a good thing, and really helped with my understanding of the English language. Made me hate it a lot more. For quite awhile I was pursuing the guitar, and music, as a career choice. Bad choice. I love the guitar though, and practice everyday now... So back then I think I officially swapped out my destiny.
So then I started on a story set in 42 AD. about two Celtic tribes duking it out, with Romans in the mix. Ah... sweet naive days, indeed... that was when I really started getting more interested though in writing, because it was an actual plot, for one. So anyway, first draft was... really bad. Second draft? Bad. I continued that for quite some time, perhaps a year or more, off and on. Good practice even though it was lacking in every single aspect imaginable. All this after I realized, you had to be a pro to make it in the music industry. Plus, I could never pull off power cords. Dang. I can now though. WHEEE!
By that time, my skills were kinda shaping up... barely passable? I wisely sacrificed this "Celtic" story though, after working to about half way through. And I also knew I always wanted to write fantasy. I think back then, I was wonder the impression that stories didn't need plots, or something, because it was pretty light in that area, speaking of the fantasy project I started shortly after the Celtic one.
So right. Here I was, fourteen, August 2006, writing a novella. About some band of youths aiding a village in the defense against the evil dude o' normal-stock villain. I wrote on that August-February. Then I callously abandoned it. Or so it seemed. I've said it in other posts, it's not dead, I just *had* to give it up due to the evolution of my writing abilities. I go back and read some... and cringe, for it's written badly, and the plot is cliche' to the point of drawing tears. I can't let that slip. I have ideas for it though. Like, adding plot. What good ol' "Main Project 1" taught me above all else, is how to *avoid* bad things. Uninteresting characters, pigeon-hole plots, and how to write bad scenes. I owe a lot to it's demise. Current demise. It'll be reborn, in a new form, like a rising Phoenix... rise'n from the ash of status quo and worse. Phoenix's are cool.
I casually call Main Project 1 "Bob". And I must say... Bob will be back, better then ever... oh yes, Bob will... be back... Don't ask what I call Main Project 4 (Yes, I'm up to four, but that's because I'm an idea freak, and not a finisher, and mind you, 4 is nothing more then hordes of collected ideas and a few paragraphs) all the other three though exist in substantial form though... to bad 1 and 2 need so much work.
Zoom to March, 2007. Actually... back a little. January was a good month for me. Back to other things... "Main Project 2"... It spanned from March-July 2007. Sadly it was doomed to failure. A task I couldn't complete due to it's expansive nature. It originally was just like thirty pages I was doing for kicks... but it spiraled into two-hundred p's. Got big. (Point at self, *idea freak*) It was a better plot and it pushed MP1 out of the way, for the better perhaps. MP2 taught me a lot... like how to write. Methods to use, plot hooks, interesting characters, more epic scenes. It's a full draft now. Or 90% draft. But it needs work. Everything does when your learning. You gotta polish things, and I didn't have the patience or something to do it... but that's what I tell myself. The truth is that it was more trouble then it was worth. It wasn't good. It wasn't worth reading. That's a vital part of a story. It will be completed however, and I already, like MP1, have lots of ideas how to improve it. It's a sure fire "one day, done" though because the events need to be told for other projects.
I stopped writing those two projects, because it had to be done. It was the evolution of my own skills, mind, and self. And I can honestly say, what I'm doing now is much more important then them. Books are like kids... you always burn the first batch. Sometimes the second, even.
"Onward! Press forth! To the Future I Go!" My anthem in a time of confusion. I picked up a load of writing books one night, and read em'. Turning point in my little life. The concepts instilled into me and I realized... everything? I sat down that night and typed up a shorty called "Ring" about two assassins. It was okay. I think. I mean the plot was skimpy, and some of the interactions were bad, but the writing... it was semi-good. It was coherent. Turning point.
I've changed so much in the last few months that it startles me. Just the whole plate seems to have been given, not the crumbs and I find myself making far less mistakes then before. To which I fully attribute to God, and my good friends, like you reader, who've given me an example to strive towards. Prideful to say it yes, but I just like myself better now. *Trip* Dang pride... seems though I can tackle whatever needs to be done. Kinda.
So that night, after reading up on writing, I launched a template. Three short stories, a compilation of sorts, that sampled content from the fantasy setting I had been working on for nearly two years, and had drastically changed twice, now coming into it's third change, thanks to this compilation. The original stories were "Ring", "?The Crimson Advantage?", and "The Dimiduim Ordeal". I'm not really sure what story two's name was... I think it was the crimson advantage... dumb name. Ring was done, and I started that night on whatever story two's name was at the time. Opening with the iconic lines, everyone has to love... "The man smiled as he washed the blood from his hands." Yeah, doesn't get any sweeter then that! I finished it. One month later. And my goodness... I liked it. It was a revelation that I could actually enjoy something I wrote. Good deal. I also changed it's name quite quickly from whatever it had been, to "For the Sake of Revenge." But that's taken by a really good Sonata Arctica song (About a relationship gone bad) so I had to change it. With a few tinkering switches, "For This Reason of Vice" was born. Nice ring, eh?
It told an original story, with an interesting main character, and an adulterer that you couldn't help but sympathize with. At least I did... but I'm biased. Because I'm it's author, not because I'm an adulterer mind you. :P Like I said a few posts back, email me for a copy. Tell me what you think. For any that got an early version, I've updated it *meaningfully* twice. Good deal...
So with something I deemed *decent* under my belt, I launched forth. My first strike? Ring. It died. Bitterly... muwahwahuh! I replaced it with another story, "The Beast", guess what it's about? I changed it to, "The Beasts", more recently, and then I actually changed the name again, because I thought it was too... quasi-dramatic. Thus, "Faux Pas", was born. Everyone probably knows this, but Faux Pas denotes a social blunder. Awesome. I'm 3/4 done that know. Busy, busy. The third story, "The Dimiduim Ordeal", didn't turn out well, I was almost done it, but decided to abandon it because of it's weakness. "Severed From My Sunrise Confessed Angel", was born, or SFMSCA. It needed a big ol' name because it's events are substantially more epic in size. Notice the progression, short to long, with the names. Their scope enhances with each story as well. From lone seeker, to public figure, to political engineer. Just gotta make story three *epic* enough so that it isn't undeniably cheesy. Maybe it already is... I have a hard time detecting the "cheese factor" in titles and words, sometimes.
So that's the literary tale of the last few years. I'm very much concentrated on finishing these stories, the compilation actually, by New Years time. Which also happens to be when I'm aiming on graduation of high school via the path of the GED. I've really set myself up to be ready for it by the end of the year, and that's made me quite the happier person. With such feats under my belt, compilation, and GED, my options will be quite open. My main focus is to get a job here in Folsom, which is, yes, legal at my age. I need to start raking in the cash.
Good bye folks, God bless you, and thank you for reading.
Back... Again, and Planning On Staying
I'm back! WHEEE!!! From where you ask? Why, from my busy, busy, life, which is becoming more orderly, and thanks to such, I am able to post again. Plus I beat Halo 3... so that freed me up.
I've been really wanting to post for months now, ideas just popping in and out before I've had time to pen em' down, so another main objective is to not lose any of my perceptions by the destruction of time. So I figure I'll write em' here. Like a normal person.
Yes, I know, only a cold cynic would call me normal. Notice I said *like* normal, i.e one who has some semblance of normalcy. Self-proclaim in the method of saying it, I do consider myself to fit that bill.
On with the posting. Just gotta grab a dew... it's getting pretty late, and I sense my dew stream thinning with the resurgence of blood within my system. Pesky blood cells.
I've been really wanting to post for months now, ideas just popping in and out before I've had time to pen em' down, so another main objective is to not lose any of my perceptions by the destruction of time. So I figure I'll write em' here. Like a normal person.
Yes, I know, only a cold cynic would call me normal. Notice I said *like* normal, i.e one who has some semblance of normalcy. Self-proclaim in the method of saying it, I do consider myself to fit that bill.
On with the posting. Just gotta grab a dew... it's getting pretty late, and I sense my dew stream thinning with the resurgence of blood within my system. Pesky blood cells.
Oct 7, 2007
Halo 3: Review and Multiplayer Impressions
In the end I concur pretty much to the point with Gamespot. 9.5 out of 10. Editor's Choice. The Story isn't the Star Wars saga it was made out to be by Microsoft reps, but it was pretty good. And Multiplayer is very enjoyable. In a sense it is Halo 2.5. But the leap between the series concerning Halo to Halo 2 is much more evident.
One thing to note: Due to frame rate issues four-player co-op on local is not allowed. Only over Xbox-live. Otherwise the Multiplayer is more then I was expecting. More weapons, more options, and the new "equipment" items are quite enjoyable. So normal Multi is great.
The new Forge, Item Editor, is also a blast. Allowing instant drop in and out of players, the ability to turn into a monitor and create or edit any object, and a great aid to creating new map types.
And saved films are cool. It's nice to zoom around to the other side of the battlefield and watch the enemy fight you. Very cool.
Great game. Buy it.
One thing to note: Due to frame rate issues four-player co-op on local is not allowed. Only over Xbox-live. Otherwise the Multiplayer is more then I was expecting. More weapons, more options, and the new "equipment" items are quite enjoyable. So normal Multi is great.
The new Forge, Item Editor, is also a blast. Allowing instant drop in and out of players, the ability to turn into a monitor and create or edit any object, and a great aid to creating new map types.
And saved films are cool. It's nice to zoom around to the other side of the battlefield and watch the enemy fight you. Very cool.
Great game. Buy it.
Sep 27, 2007
Halo 3: Impressions Of Semi-Informed Nature
I was thinking of going for a review, but as one Gamespot user noted in a comment, "No one will know if this is the best game ever till Spring 08'". He's probably right. Not till the sales come in, the Xbox live games are played, and the dust clears, will Halo 3 be regarded as pure awesome. But as another program that aired on the Sci-Fi channel noted... who the frizz cares about anything about the game, if it isn't fun? Spot on, Homey. Good thing it's fun. Really fun. As in it's never been so enjoyable to clip a plasma grenade to a giant smack talking monkey and laugh manically as it burns and explodes into sprites and excess residue. Hey, it's for the defense of earth! Halo 3 has two sections, no denying it. Multi and Camp. We all know Multi owns, I mean new weapons, two new grenade types (Spike, think WWII German stick grenades, but with more "oofm!" to them, and Flame grenades, think... flameyness!) and new ordinance to which to wage combat, Spartan 117 style. And of course Elite style. I'll cover Multi later, and you'd do well to tune in then because I have as yet to see a review that *actually* states what is new in Multi. Heck, not until I got the game did I finally known that Brutes were not playable in Multi. Oh well... Story though, that's what most people will care about when they get home at 12:30 AM and want to smack some Covenant haunch. Does it live up?
Mixed bag. Hate to say it... but let me explain. There are two camps, Gamespot goes with "Awesome" and another more remote review site went with "Dismal." I believe the truth lies between. You know the CG clip we all saw on Monday night football, with the Master Chief as a kid (I still say it was him) then he awakens on the field of battle, grabs his Assault Rifle, and jumps off a ledge to kick some marsupial hide? That's not in the game. You know Halo 2's pretty lack luster camp mode? That ain't here either. It's right smack in the middle. And it's a 9/10 for'sho.
First, Graphics are good. Not insane, but good. Lighting, water, shadows, and textures are *miles* ahead of Halo 2. It's a big leap. But save for the ol' Master Chief, same can't be said for the models of NPC's. Yeah they look great, but look at the faces, and cringe. Not exactly cringe, but it's pretty Halo 2 there. Armor and weapons, and effects are wonderful, amazing even. Physics are awesome rag doll delicious. So if the faces are a but off-putting, the rest is good, and generally lives to the hype. Water is great though, and in the majority of spots, you get this wonderful sheen and transparency that makes you ask yourself "Where does the water meet the shore?" It's great.
Second, Level design: Awesome. Miles ahead of anything I've played. No more running in the same corridors, are trying to figure out where you are, cause every level is different. There are however, only 9 full levels, with a tenth level that is about a fourth the size of a normal. It's so hard though on Legendary, even in two-player Co-op, that it will seem to be big as any other. The game also ends with a familiar scenario, this time even better then before. But yeah, forest/jungles, complexes (not that much), Burning Cities, Corrupted Covenant Flagships, Snow tundra, Africa, it's all here. And yeah, you play in Africa. In fact they didn't mention it, but New Mombassa, is in Africa. Good stuff.
Third, Story: I just wanted more. Arbiter, after playing is story alongside the Master Chief in Halo 2, is thrown to the wayside. Player two in Co-op plays him though instead of another Spartan (nice touch) for Cut Scene continuity, but sadly, he doesn't even appear in the background of most of the cut scenes. His thread of the story is wrapped up by the end though, quite nicely. Besides, Mister-Mandibles is second awesome only to the Master Chief, himself. Some nice events spice it up, but you do really wish there was more plot, some betrayal, some plot twists, but it's pretty void of any Halo 1 "Flood Come" moments. There is a nice part *KINDA SPOILER* where you gain some unexpected allies against the local Monkey brigade. But it unfolds text-book Halo style, with conclusions to all threads of the style, expect a very strange ending, (Unlocked only if you bane the last map on Legendary) that makes you ask... "And Bungie says there isn't going to be a Halo 4?" But actually more aptly, Bungie said, they were tying up the story arch, and this was the definite end. Watch the clip though and wonder yourself. The generally ending is pretty good though. The story-telling overall is O.K, but can be a bit confusing, but no where near as bad as Halo 2. There are some nice moments in missions, where you get a horde of marines, are you attack installations with the aid of your new Elite allies. And the boss of the game is so unexpected in nature, that it's fairly comical, in a good way. In a related thread, Guilty Spark is back, and is more comprehensible this time. Unlike in Halo 2.
So in conclusion, Halo 3 owns. With a new Meta-game feature where you can compete in gaining points, or team up to get them to unlock achievements, and four-player Online Co-op, it's a nice tying up and a good play. You can also unlock skulls, that add different challenges or give you bonuses once you find them scattered around the various levels. One of these skulls makes confetti pop out from your enemies head's upon death, along with a nice "Viva Pinta" cheer. Golden. Also enemy and ally dialog is top notch, with 65,000 sound clips this time round'. Did I mention at one part of the story arch you get four USNC Tanks on your side against a dreaded scarab? Well you do. One not enough? Third to last mission you gotta take two at once. Good times. The Flood parasite also receives a boost with "True Flood", and more species. They are a pain to fight for sure. Sadly, since the Elites shifted to the light side this time around, you won't fight against even one of them, so it's all you vs. the monkey boys. I.e Brutes.
A must have for an Xbox 360 owner, I highly recommend it, even if that doesn't count for much. Don't even get me started on the addictive and freshened Multi-player, or Saved Films, or Forge, cause that's for next time.
Later Folks, and Happy Hunting!
Mixed bag. Hate to say it... but let me explain. There are two camps, Gamespot goes with "Awesome" and another more remote review site went with "Dismal." I believe the truth lies between. You know the CG clip we all saw on Monday night football, with the Master Chief as a kid (I still say it was him) then he awakens on the field of battle, grabs his Assault Rifle, and jumps off a ledge to kick some marsupial hide? That's not in the game. You know Halo 2's pretty lack luster camp mode? That ain't here either. It's right smack in the middle. And it's a 9/10 for'sho.
First, Graphics are good. Not insane, but good. Lighting, water, shadows, and textures are *miles* ahead of Halo 2. It's a big leap. But save for the ol' Master Chief, same can't be said for the models of NPC's. Yeah they look great, but look at the faces, and cringe. Not exactly cringe, but it's pretty Halo 2 there. Armor and weapons, and effects are wonderful, amazing even. Physics are awesome rag doll delicious. So if the faces are a but off-putting, the rest is good, and generally lives to the hype. Water is great though, and in the majority of spots, you get this wonderful sheen and transparency that makes you ask yourself "Where does the water meet the shore?" It's great.
Second, Level design: Awesome. Miles ahead of anything I've played. No more running in the same corridors, are trying to figure out where you are, cause every level is different. There are however, only 9 full levels, with a tenth level that is about a fourth the size of a normal. It's so hard though on Legendary, even in two-player Co-op, that it will seem to be big as any other. The game also ends with a familiar scenario, this time even better then before. But yeah, forest/jungles, complexes (not that much), Burning Cities, Corrupted Covenant Flagships, Snow tundra, Africa, it's all here. And yeah, you play in Africa. In fact they didn't mention it, but New Mombassa, is in Africa. Good stuff.
Third, Story: I just wanted more. Arbiter, after playing is story alongside the Master Chief in Halo 2, is thrown to the wayside. Player two in Co-op plays him though instead of another Spartan (nice touch) for Cut Scene continuity, but sadly, he doesn't even appear in the background of most of the cut scenes. His thread of the story is wrapped up by the end though, quite nicely. Besides, Mister-Mandibles is second awesome only to the Master Chief, himself. Some nice events spice it up, but you do really wish there was more plot, some betrayal, some plot twists, but it's pretty void of any Halo 1 "Flood Come" moments. There is a nice part *KINDA SPOILER* where you gain some unexpected allies against the local Monkey brigade. But it unfolds text-book Halo style, with conclusions to all threads of the style, expect a very strange ending, (Unlocked only if you bane the last map on Legendary) that makes you ask... "And Bungie says there isn't going to be a Halo 4?" But actually more aptly, Bungie said, they were tying up the story arch, and this was the definite end. Watch the clip though and wonder yourself. The generally ending is pretty good though. The story-telling overall is O.K, but can be a bit confusing, but no where near as bad as Halo 2. There are some nice moments in missions, where you get a horde of marines, are you attack installations with the aid of your new Elite allies. And the boss of the game is so unexpected in nature, that it's fairly comical, in a good way. In a related thread, Guilty Spark is back, and is more comprehensible this time. Unlike in Halo 2.
So in conclusion, Halo 3 owns. With a new Meta-game feature where you can compete in gaining points, or team up to get them to unlock achievements, and four-player Online Co-op, it's a nice tying up and a good play. You can also unlock skulls, that add different challenges or give you bonuses once you find them scattered around the various levels. One of these skulls makes confetti pop out from your enemies head's upon death, along with a nice "Viva Pinta" cheer. Golden. Also enemy and ally dialog is top notch, with 65,000 sound clips this time round'. Did I mention at one part of the story arch you get four USNC Tanks on your side against a dreaded scarab? Well you do. One not enough? Third to last mission you gotta take two at once. Good times. The Flood parasite also receives a boost with "True Flood", and more species. They are a pain to fight for sure. Sadly, since the Elites shifted to the light side this time around, you won't fight against even one of them, so it's all you vs. the monkey boys. I.e Brutes.
A must have for an Xbox 360 owner, I highly recommend it, even if that doesn't count for much. Don't even get me started on the addictive and freshened Multi-player, or Saved Films, or Forge, cause that's for next time.
Later Folks, and Happy Hunting!
Sep 14, 2007
An Announcement of Sheer Epic Scope
Wow. I haven't been on blogger for months now, and haven't posted even longer. Feels like I just came home, just minus the aroma of apple pie and blueberry pancakes... alright, down to business... nah', just joking, I'm going to rant for hours like usual and call it a night! You know what I like most about my little blog here? The copyright right there on your... well... right. Love how it actually assumes I have anything decent. Quite comic.
Well, I am actually not going to rant. Never intended too, so here it is... 'it' being the announcement mentioned in this post's title.
Hard to believe? I don't expect you to believe, you have no reason to, so don't. I rather you not. Instead of dumping an email into your inbox though, I am making no assertions to quality and thus, not sending the done, finished, polished, deal to anyone that doesn't ask for a copy. Does that mean I don't think the story is even half way decent? No. But it means I won't make that judgment for you. I guess I haven't said what it is yet have I? Sorry, bad habit. It's a thirty-page exact (apple chancery, font) short story. The plot? It's thirty pages. If I tell you the beginning then you are half way through. Instead of rambling I'm just going to list all my projects.
*Main Writing Project 1 ETC Unknown : I've wanted to finish this for eight months. I called it seventh hope once, never again. What kind of name is that anyway? Standard youth vs. baddie, as of now but considering major revisions. State: In Development/Partial Draft(7)
*Main Writing Project 2 ETC Christmas? : I don't know what's wrong with me. I should have never even started this guy. Scenes are too hard to write, too long, and I didn't prepare enough beforehand. Placer name "Poet". That pretty much says the plot as well. It's half flashback, half unfolding events. State: In Development/Full Draft(3)
*Web Project ETC No Idea : I've been increasingly interested in doing a episodic story that I would post online every so often. Got an outline for a plot, and some characters. State: In Development
*Chronicles of Twilight: Volume One, For The Reasons of Vice ETC October 17# : Story I completed is basically a "single" from this collection of three stories including fore-mentioned single. Stories are: "The Beast." "For This Reason of Vice." and "Dimiduim Ordeal." Second is single. I swapped "The Beast" in for "Ring" cause latter was terrible, so that set me back. State: "The Beast" 1/10, "For This Reason of Vice" 10/10, "Dimiduim Ordeal" 7/10
*Main Writing Project 3 ETC: God Wills : This is the one that will put me on the map if anything will. This is far into the future, of course, because I could not possible write some of the scenes contained within at this point, nor could I spare the time. I've been getting characters, events, factions, plot hooks, for this thing for two years. Trilogy, and continuation of Main Writing Project 2. State: Development
Drop a comment and I'll email you a copy of the single. I've really started to focus on GED studies though, so writing taken a back seat. I can only say with surety that Chronicles of Twilight: Volume One will be done in any kind of time frame. Hopefully I'll be on here more, and a little more animated around. The last nine months have been... unfocused, so here's hoping the next nine are better, and a little more productive on my part.
Remember people, you should always ask yourself... are you for the Harvest Guild? Or against it...
Well, I am actually not going to rant. Never intended too, so here it is... 'it' being the announcement mentioned in this post's title.
Hard to believe? I don't expect you to believe, you have no reason to, so don't. I rather you not. Instead of dumping an email into your inbox though, I am making no assertions to quality and thus, not sending the done, finished, polished, deal to anyone that doesn't ask for a copy. Does that mean I don't think the story is even half way decent? No. But it means I won't make that judgment for you. I guess I haven't said what it is yet have I? Sorry, bad habit. It's a thirty-page exact (apple chancery, font) short story. The plot? It's thirty pages. If I tell you the beginning then you are half way through. Instead of rambling I'm just going to list all my projects.
*Main Writing Project 1 ETC Unknown : I've wanted to finish this for eight months. I called it seventh hope once, never again. What kind of name is that anyway? Standard youth vs. baddie, as of now but considering major revisions. State: In Development/Partial Draft(7)
*Main Writing Project 2 ETC Christmas? : I don't know what's wrong with me. I should have never even started this guy. Scenes are too hard to write, too long, and I didn't prepare enough beforehand. Placer name "Poet". That pretty much says the plot as well. It's half flashback, half unfolding events. State: In Development/Full Draft(3)
*Web Project ETC No Idea : I've been increasingly interested in doing a episodic story that I would post online every so often. Got an outline for a plot, and some characters. State: In Development
*Chronicles of Twilight: Volume One, For The Reasons of Vice ETC October 17# : Story I completed is basically a "single" from this collection of three stories including fore-mentioned single. Stories are: "The Beast." "For This Reason of Vice." and "Dimiduim Ordeal." Second is single. I swapped "The Beast" in for "Ring" cause latter was terrible, so that set me back. State: "The Beast" 1/10, "For This Reason of Vice" 10/10, "Dimiduim Ordeal" 7/10
*Main Writing Project 3 ETC: God Wills : This is the one that will put me on the map if anything will. This is far into the future, of course, because I could not possible write some of the scenes contained within at this point, nor could I spare the time. I've been getting characters, events, factions, plot hooks, for this thing for two years. Trilogy, and continuation of Main Writing Project 2. State: Development
Drop a comment and I'll email you a copy of the single. I've really started to focus on GED studies though, so writing taken a back seat. I can only say with surety that Chronicles of Twilight: Volume One will be done in any kind of time frame. Hopefully I'll be on here more, and a little more animated around. The last nine months have been... unfocused, so here's hoping the next nine are better, and a little more productive on my part.
Remember people, you should always ask yourself... are you for the Harvest Guild? Or against it...
Mar 17, 2007
Saint Patricks's Day for a Poem,
Today as you surely know is Saint Patrick's Day. Since I know it too I have been eating unconditional amounts of scones and listening to U.K music (Saint Patrick was English you know). Also I decided to write a brief three page (I hear you James!) poem about Saint Patrick.
Unlike my other poems I've so far posted which have been decidedly "Free Verse" (which is by the way a style of poetry, T.S Eliot used it as many modern poets do) granted this was because I was to lazy to study a certain style and then implement it. Looking up styles I finally settled on making my own, a loose style that is so...
4 lines,
First two lines have same starting word, and have 2-3 similar and/or opposite words.
Second two lines are total free verse but can adhere to same code, or have a slight twist on it.
Something to note, this style works a whole lot better on abstract things, rather then objects.
S= Similar
O= Opposite
Blue Train(S), is like menial(O),
Blue Locomotive(S), is like noble(O),
Please Train save my bitter Balrog,
I pray O' Hybrid Car of Hydrogen, courage for this fall,
(Then next line and so on...)
So that's the basic style, but the order of lines and such is like this...
As many basic lines as you want, then have a total free verse four lines.
Then have a twelve free verse line, except for last five lines of the twelve lines. Do a basic four line there except insert a line between the two line halves.
Then give it another free verse four lines together, then a final one line free verse which deals with the title of the Poem. Reading the poem should help clear up what I mean. I'm sure I'll improve the style a bit, and as always please give me your opinion. Thanks and enjoy! Oh', by the way, the poem is about the life of Saint Patrick, and if you haven't researched it you probably won't know what I'm talking about. Sorry :(. If you are interesting in the true life of Patrick then I can say "Let me die in Ireland" is great. Not the best writing, but its fiction, so its easier to get through. Its also relatively short. I haven't been able to find it though... and I don't remember the writers' name, but a google search *should* get you details on it.
Ok, here it is, and please leave comments! And lastly... I got sick the last two days, so sadly (and as many I'm sure expected) it will not be done today. Monday or Tuesday sound likely though. I plan on finishing the writing tonight and (so it will be *done* on Saint Patrick's Day!) edit it over the next one or two days. OK, sorry rambling really bad now, here you go...
A Roman name given him at birth,
A Irish name given to him at truth,
He lived with shattered faith,
The hope lost at religion,
These shuttered hard, don’t weep,
These shuttered weak, weep please,
What hope is there when he falls with the child,
When the eldest is the youngest,
Crime committed, tears not shed,
Crime committed, smile not relinquished,
Do not blame, do not fret to judge,
Noble as peasant, as menial was thought so cruelly,
Barbarians saved the soul, sinful
Barbarians saved the flesh, sinless
Menial to be,
Noble to lose,
Truth meant something now
Truth meant nothing then
Flee, don’t curse the dark, flee
Find the shore, naïve as fool, redeemed yet free
Serve pain and lose, lose to man
Serve pain and gain, gain to divine
Land in Barbarian lands,
Flee them in redemption now,
Hope found, he believed
Hope lost, Albion faithless
Broken, cursed, vanity is their breath,
Forgotten sins, repented, learned, forgot
Faith renewed him,
Faith broke them,
Reunion for a moment,
Visions for a lifetime,
Sought out, taught
Sought out, learned
Politics, weary of the cowards
Barbarians, blood lusted, cleansing lusting,
Are you numb Albion, comfortably numb,
Are you lost Britannia, wander lusting,
I tried to restore the faith,
God tried to help you my people,
Grant me this wish my elders,
Grant me this quest my teachers,
Believe again, believe me I have seen,
Believe in Christ, believe me I have felt,
Years spent, time wasted,
Years consumed, time learning,
Ready, faith guard, anger gone,
Ready, hope gone, lust guard,
Trust Broken, foolish betrayed,
Trust Shattered, wise trusted,
Prestige was his highest wish,
Souls was mine,
Wait, so long, so bitterly,
Wait, so reverently, so weakly,
Heroes, always hated,
Heroes, always fallen,
The world has broken,
The world has reborn,
Civilization has fallen,
Barbarianism has risen,
Darkness now rages,
Darkness now lost,
Vision ended, souls costs,
Forgotten in turmoil, all but perfectly lost,
Maybe I’m wrong, doubt the vision of message,
Maybe I’m right, believe the vision of deliverance,
When is my time O’ Lord,
When is my hope O’ Christ,
Now Hero,
Now Prophet,
We have given permission, quest forever, die forgotten,
We have cursed you, quest never, never again in Albion,
Rejected by country, by colleagues, by own people,
Rejected by church, by code, by own teachers,
Gone to Irene, finally back,
Gone to Hibernia, always there,
Let me live here, praised yet ridiculed,
Let me die here, forgotten yet remembered,
Hope given to the younger, hear their words,
Tradition binding the elder, hear their cries,
Gold bought passage to souls,
Gold purchased the price of souls,
Yet gold would not redeem them,
Yet gold did not save them,
Followed, believed, so many now free,
Forgotten, distrusted, so many now bound,
Years of waiting now passed,
Months of serving now spent,
Lay to rest, fallen in mere earth dwelling,
The stone to start an avalanche, success,
They had been lost,
He had shown them the truth,
God had shown them redemption,
Remembered now in carven stone,
In inscription of well, water flowing,
Sin of youth now cleansed,
Sin of aged now forgiven,
Death has no sting,
Remembered now in drunken revelry,
Remembered now in few truths,
Patron of forgotten land, forgotten Hero,
Inspiration of hope, forgotten Hero,
Things set new, from things long old,
Rebirth in legend, in poem, in remembrance of all,
Remember the perfectly lost Hero,
Christian, P.C
Happy Saint Patrick's Day Friends,
Unlike my other poems I've so far posted which have been decidedly "Free Verse" (which is by the way a style of poetry, T.S Eliot used it as many modern poets do) granted this was because I was to lazy to study a certain style and then implement it. Looking up styles I finally settled on making my own, a loose style that is so...
4 lines,
First two lines have same starting word, and have 2-3 similar and/or opposite words.
Second two lines are total free verse but can adhere to same code, or have a slight twist on it.
Something to note, this style works a whole lot better on abstract things, rather then objects.
S= Similar
O= Opposite
Blue Train(S), is like menial(O),
Blue Locomotive(S), is like noble(O),
Please Train save my bitter Balrog,
I pray O' Hybrid Car of Hydrogen, courage for this fall,
(Then next line and so on...)
So that's the basic style, but the order of lines and such is like this...
As many basic lines as you want, then have a total free verse four lines.
Then have a twelve free verse line, except for last five lines of the twelve lines. Do a basic four line there except insert a line between the two line halves.
Then give it another free verse four lines together, then a final one line free verse which deals with the title of the Poem. Reading the poem should help clear up what I mean. I'm sure I'll improve the style a bit, and as always please give me your opinion. Thanks and enjoy! Oh', by the way, the poem is about the life of Saint Patrick, and if you haven't researched it you probably won't know what I'm talking about. Sorry :(. If you are interesting in the true life of Patrick then I can say "Let me die in Ireland" is great. Not the best writing, but its fiction, so its easier to get through. Its also relatively short. I haven't been able to find it though... and I don't remember the writers' name, but a google search *should* get you details on it.
Ok, here it is, and please leave comments! And lastly... I got sick the last two days, so sadly (and as many I'm sure expected) it will not be done today. Monday or Tuesday sound likely though. I plan on finishing the writing tonight and (so it will be *done* on Saint Patrick's Day!) edit it over the next one or two days. OK, sorry rambling really bad now, here you go...
A Roman name given him at birth,
A Irish name given to him at truth,
He lived with shattered faith,
The hope lost at religion,
These shuttered hard, don’t weep,
These shuttered weak, weep please,
What hope is there when he falls with the child,
When the eldest is the youngest,
Crime committed, tears not shed,
Crime committed, smile not relinquished,
Do not blame, do not fret to judge,
Noble as peasant, as menial was thought so cruelly,
Barbarians saved the soul, sinful
Barbarians saved the flesh, sinless
Menial to be,
Noble to lose,
Truth meant something now
Truth meant nothing then
Flee, don’t curse the dark, flee
Find the shore, naïve as fool, redeemed yet free
Serve pain and lose, lose to man
Serve pain and gain, gain to divine
Land in Barbarian lands,
Flee them in redemption now,
Hope found, he believed
Hope lost, Albion faithless
Broken, cursed, vanity is their breath,
Forgotten sins, repented, learned, forgot
Faith renewed him,
Faith broke them,
Reunion for a moment,
Visions for a lifetime,
Sought out, taught
Sought out, learned
Politics, weary of the cowards
Barbarians, blood lusted, cleansing lusting,
Are you numb Albion, comfortably numb,
Are you lost Britannia, wander lusting,
I tried to restore the faith,
God tried to help you my people,
Grant me this wish my elders,
Grant me this quest my teachers,
Believe again, believe me I have seen,
Believe in Christ, believe me I have felt,
Years spent, time wasted,
Years consumed, time learning,
Ready, faith guard, anger gone,
Ready, hope gone, lust guard,
Trust Broken, foolish betrayed,
Trust Shattered, wise trusted,
Prestige was his highest wish,
Souls was mine,
Wait, so long, so bitterly,
Wait, so reverently, so weakly,
Heroes, always hated,
Heroes, always fallen,
The world has broken,
The world has reborn,
Civilization has fallen,
Barbarianism has risen,
Darkness now rages,
Darkness now lost,
Vision ended, souls costs,
Forgotten in turmoil, all but perfectly lost,
Maybe I’m wrong, doubt the vision of message,
Maybe I’m right, believe the vision of deliverance,
When is my time O’ Lord,
When is my hope O’ Christ,
Now Hero,
Now Prophet,
We have given permission, quest forever, die forgotten,
We have cursed you, quest never, never again in Albion,
Rejected by country, by colleagues, by own people,
Rejected by church, by code, by own teachers,
Gone to Irene, finally back,
Gone to Hibernia, always there,
Let me live here, praised yet ridiculed,
Let me die here, forgotten yet remembered,
Hope given to the younger, hear their words,
Tradition binding the elder, hear their cries,
Gold bought passage to souls,
Gold purchased the price of souls,
Yet gold would not redeem them,
Yet gold did not save them,
Followed, believed, so many now free,
Forgotten, distrusted, so many now bound,
Years of waiting now passed,
Months of serving now spent,
Lay to rest, fallen in mere earth dwelling,
The stone to start an avalanche, success,
They had been lost,
He had shown them the truth,
God had shown them redemption,
Remembered now in carven stone,
In inscription of well, water flowing,
Sin of youth now cleansed,
Sin of aged now forgiven,
Death has no sting,
Remembered now in drunken revelry,
Remembered now in few truths,
Patron of forgotten land, forgotten Hero,
Inspiration of hope, forgotten Hero,
Things set new, from things long old,
Rebirth in legend, in poem, in remembrance of all,
Remember the perfectly lost Hero,
Christian, P.C
Happy Saint Patrick's Day Friends,
Mar 10, 2007
Hey folks, fans, and non-alcoholic beverages!
I know what your thinking, its really *not* coming out this friday, I mean Christian will *never* finish a book. Or maybe that's what I'm telling myself :P In a sense yeah, but "Poet: Dragon Marked, Damned to the Light, Nevermore In Falling" is coming out!!!! Its my short story (as my previous shorty story became a short novel) set about 10000 years prior to Seventh Hope. Be the way, I keep catching flak for the name Seventh Hope, (talking to you Matthew!!!) Seventh Hope is a term of endearment, such as Dear, Honey, Sweetheart. Excluding the "Poet" series my names are based on abstract aspects of the overall mythology, so yeah weird names.
Yes, Poet has logical names like Dragon Marked, Damned to The Light, Nevermore In Falling. Or Foundation of a Legend, Foundation of Souls which is chapter 4 of the series.
Anyway, expect this epic this Friday... I can't believe its all must done!!!
I know what your thinking, its really *not* coming out this friday, I mean Christian will *never* finish a book. Or maybe that's what I'm telling myself :P In a sense yeah, but "Poet: Dragon Marked, Damned to the Light, Nevermore In Falling" is coming out!!!! Its my short story (as my previous shorty story became a short novel) set about 10000 years prior to Seventh Hope. Be the way, I keep catching flak for the name Seventh Hope, (talking to you Matthew!!!) Seventh Hope is a term of endearment, such as Dear, Honey, Sweetheart. Excluding the "Poet" series my names are based on abstract aspects of the overall mythology, so yeah weird names.
Yes, Poet has logical names like Dragon Marked, Damned to The Light, Nevermore In Falling. Or Foundation of a Legend, Foundation of Souls which is chapter 4 of the series.
Anyway, expect this epic this Friday... I can't believe its all must done!!!
Something to Think On...
Some times you just have to close your eyes to hear the music, sometimes you just have to be silent to speak the truth, sometimes you just need to let go and give your self a chance to believe...
Feb 11, 2007
A Preparation for Heaven: Part 1/3
Well, I'm hoping I'll have The Poet: Chapter 3: Ascension by Wednesday Night or Thursday Morning, fully edited, and ready to be published :) Well maybe not published, but in its final version, this means I'll have a very hard three days a head of me. Thats a cue to start those prayers for divine strength.
In the mean time, every day (hopefully) I'll be here with what page I'm at and far more importantly some background history and stuff to prepare you for the book. Its not that the book won't have explanations in it, but not to pat myself on my back... my world is massive! From Shadows, Rose Knights, Shan'tarin, and Frost Drakes it takes the variety of D&D and polishes it without losing the awesome amount of content, and then it slaps a Tolkien and myriad of other influences and mashes them into a paste to coat over it all. Yes the Trollkin dress similar to Wraiths in Stargate: Atlantis, and then C. S Lewis with talking animals, Legend of Zelda: with Navie (Alpha is loosely based on her) then everything else from the Heroes games (Creature Design) to English Gentlemen of the 18 century for Timin O'donnel.
It goes on, but man I'm ranting so here is part 1 of 3 of the Preparation of Heaven...
Long ago, so long ago that even the eldest of the first years of are world can't remember seven worlds existed, each one supported the first of the human race. Their creator was Diu, the High God, the Lord of Harmony.
The seventh world he named Heaven, and took it as his throne in his new universe.
And there he created the Immortal Angli (Silver-Hand(Based on Welsh) for Divine One) his servants, desiring mortal servants he created the first races, the Fore Races as they became known.
Terran, Sidhe, Nelia'aylia, Dimidium(Comprising both Wee-Folk and Boulge(Silver Hand)), Shan'tarin, Shadow(Unknown), and Dragons. Andras Destran Lord Captain of the Angli host and second only to Diu saw the handy craft of Diu, and he secretly believed he could improve upon what he had done, especially the Terran, who didn't have many of the gifts given to the other races.
Thus Andras secretly started delving into Necromancy, the practice of using the Element of Darkness to reanimate the dead.
But at this time death did not exist in Heaven, but while Andras whiled away his years mastering the dark arts Diu had created another dimension to the world of Heaven, the Nameless Plane, the Second-Fold as it would be later called by some, but most merely knew it as Heaven, though not Heaven True. Here he created the lesser Races, Griffins, Unicorns, and all the beast-like but possessed of soul creatures.
He saw he had created the Dragons to rule and be not equals with the other races, thus he set them as rulers over Second-Fold.
In the Second-Fold death did exist, but none of the creatures there knew sin, and they died and lived with impunity.
Andras now had perfected what he thought to be the 'cure' to the Terran or Human as they called themselves now, he would slay them then resurrect them and rework their very being granting them immortality and powers beyond any of the other races, for Andras liked the Terran, but disliked the Sidhe above all.
When the world was created each race was created with one male and one female, but a few years later four more of each race were created, two male and two female.
Adamae was the first Terran, and he was appointed by Diu (for Diu intended the Terran to be the dominate race) as Lord over the mortal portion of Heaven, the two other mortal men were to be his High Captains, their names were Shael and Valuan.
In Adamae Andras saw his first subject to be reworked by his magic.
Adamae was proud having been given control of the whole of mortality, and he said to himself that he deserved even more control instead, as he surmised, a puppet on the string controlled by Diu. Thus when Andras came to him in secret and used his pure charisma to convince him to join him in the cleansing of his race he willing joined to gain immortality through the dark arts.
Adamae was transformed by Andras, his first follower to an unknown goal, yet soon Shael and Valuan followed in step having their own goals.
But Diu saw Andras transforming his chosen people into dark creatures, which Andras thought were stronger. Even though the transformation was successful though Andras had only started the study of his dark craft and many ill side affects occurred, Adamae and his kin now appeared like corpses for though Andras could bring them back to this plane of existence he could not restore the spark of life that made things grow and truly live, thus they remained pale yet still their earthly handsome looks remained, a mix between Human and Dead, noble in their own right, handsome in their strange way, but hideous and disgusting.
They also could not stand the Light which shunned their new dark forms, they couldn't sire children, and they could only remain in there physical form if they took the life blood from other creatures or through sources of innate power such as The Bitter Falls.
Diu saw how his High Captain had betrayed him and prepared to confront Andras and intended to banish him from Heaven.
Andras saw the intent of Diu and knew he was far from the perfection state he would create for Humanity, and his hatred for Diu disturbing his work and intent of exiling him and rejecting him lashed out as he used his new puppets Adamae, Shael, and Valuan who's lives were now hinged on the wishes of the Angli to gather all the Terran and other races, and all joined the new Dark Lord in his cause to destroy Diu and take his throne. All joined, save the Shan'tarin, and Nelia'aylia who sided with Diu.
And Andras set about teaching the Humans and Sidhe how to use the Elements as he did to create and destroy, but with only limited success. He did however form many of the Humans into Fampir(Welsh), as he named the transformed humans.
And drawing all his supporters among the Angli Andras set out with his army to the capital city and high throne of Heaven, Celestial, and attacked it.
The remaining Angli though still outnumbered Andras's, though Andras had the mortals, but Diu the Shan'tarin and Nelia'aylia to which both he had taught and granted some of them the use of the Elements to use in the defense of Heaven.
Battle ensued and a short bitter war erupted, and in a single battle Andras was defeated, he stood on the Hill of Stars and battled with Diu with his sword he had renamed 'n grai Archeba which meant in Silver Hand, New Order. But he was resisted by the immortal sword Amilian and wielded by Diu Andras was cast down to the lowest plane of Heaven, the third realm.
It is called Awen, the underworld, the place of darkness.
The other races were banished for their sin to the Second-Fold, the Nelia'aylia and Shan'tarin though they did not sin, sin had been introduced by Andras to Heaven, thus the mortal races couldn't exist in Heaven, but Diu promised a way to return... one day...
And in Awen far from the Light of Heaven or even the Second-Fold Andras sat on his new dark throne in Awen, his fellow traitor Angli with him, and he planned to return...
In the mean time, every day (hopefully) I'll be here with what page I'm at and far more importantly some background history and stuff to prepare you for the book. Its not that the book won't have explanations in it, but not to pat myself on my back... my world is massive! From Shadows, Rose Knights, Shan'tarin, and Frost Drakes it takes the variety of D&D and polishes it without losing the awesome amount of content, and then it slaps a Tolkien and myriad of other influences and mashes them into a paste to coat over it all. Yes the Trollkin dress similar to Wraiths in Stargate: Atlantis, and then C. S Lewis with talking animals, Legend of Zelda: with Navie (Alpha is loosely based on her) then everything else from the Heroes games (Creature Design) to English Gentlemen of the 18 century for Timin O'donnel.
It goes on, but man I'm ranting so here is part 1 of 3 of the Preparation of Heaven...
Long ago, so long ago that even the eldest of the first years of are world can't remember seven worlds existed, each one supported the first of the human race. Their creator was Diu, the High God, the Lord of Harmony.
The seventh world he named Heaven, and took it as his throne in his new universe.
And there he created the Immortal Angli (Silver-Hand(Based on Welsh) for Divine One) his servants, desiring mortal servants he created the first races, the Fore Races as they became known.
Terran, Sidhe, Nelia'aylia, Dimidium(Comprising both Wee-Folk and Boulge(Silver Hand)), Shan'tarin, Shadow(Unknown), and Dragons. Andras Destran Lord Captain of the Angli host and second only to Diu saw the handy craft of Diu, and he secretly believed he could improve upon what he had done, especially the Terran, who didn't have many of the gifts given to the other races.
Thus Andras secretly started delving into Necromancy, the practice of using the Element of Darkness to reanimate the dead.
But at this time death did not exist in Heaven, but while Andras whiled away his years mastering the dark arts Diu had created another dimension to the world of Heaven, the Nameless Plane, the Second-Fold as it would be later called by some, but most merely knew it as Heaven, though not Heaven True. Here he created the lesser Races, Griffins, Unicorns, and all the beast-like but possessed of soul creatures.
He saw he had created the Dragons to rule and be not equals with the other races, thus he set them as rulers over Second-Fold.
In the Second-Fold death did exist, but none of the creatures there knew sin, and they died and lived with impunity.
Andras now had perfected what he thought to be the 'cure' to the Terran or Human as they called themselves now, he would slay them then resurrect them and rework their very being granting them immortality and powers beyond any of the other races, for Andras liked the Terran, but disliked the Sidhe above all.
When the world was created each race was created with one male and one female, but a few years later four more of each race were created, two male and two female.
Adamae was the first Terran, and he was appointed by Diu (for Diu intended the Terran to be the dominate race) as Lord over the mortal portion of Heaven, the two other mortal men were to be his High Captains, their names were Shael and Valuan.
In Adamae Andras saw his first subject to be reworked by his magic.
Adamae was proud having been given control of the whole of mortality, and he said to himself that he deserved even more control instead, as he surmised, a puppet on the string controlled by Diu. Thus when Andras came to him in secret and used his pure charisma to convince him to join him in the cleansing of his race he willing joined to gain immortality through the dark arts.
Adamae was transformed by Andras, his first follower to an unknown goal, yet soon Shael and Valuan followed in step having their own goals.
But Diu saw Andras transforming his chosen people into dark creatures, which Andras thought were stronger. Even though the transformation was successful though Andras had only started the study of his dark craft and many ill side affects occurred, Adamae and his kin now appeared like corpses for though Andras could bring them back to this plane of existence he could not restore the spark of life that made things grow and truly live, thus they remained pale yet still their earthly handsome looks remained, a mix between Human and Dead, noble in their own right, handsome in their strange way, but hideous and disgusting.
They also could not stand the Light which shunned their new dark forms, they couldn't sire children, and they could only remain in there physical form if they took the life blood from other creatures or through sources of innate power such as The Bitter Falls.
Diu saw how his High Captain had betrayed him and prepared to confront Andras and intended to banish him from Heaven.
Andras saw the intent of Diu and knew he was far from the perfection state he would create for Humanity, and his hatred for Diu disturbing his work and intent of exiling him and rejecting him lashed out as he used his new puppets Adamae, Shael, and Valuan who's lives were now hinged on the wishes of the Angli to gather all the Terran and other races, and all joined the new Dark Lord in his cause to destroy Diu and take his throne. All joined, save the Shan'tarin, and Nelia'aylia who sided with Diu.
And Andras set about teaching the Humans and Sidhe how to use the Elements as he did to create and destroy, but with only limited success. He did however form many of the Humans into Fampir(Welsh), as he named the transformed humans.
And drawing all his supporters among the Angli Andras set out with his army to the capital city and high throne of Heaven, Celestial, and attacked it.
The remaining Angli though still outnumbered Andras's, though Andras had the mortals, but Diu the Shan'tarin and Nelia'aylia to which both he had taught and granted some of them the use of the Elements to use in the defense of Heaven.
Battle ensued and a short bitter war erupted, and in a single battle Andras was defeated, he stood on the Hill of Stars and battled with Diu with his sword he had renamed 'n grai Archeba which meant in Silver Hand, New Order. But he was resisted by the immortal sword Amilian and wielded by Diu Andras was cast down to the lowest plane of Heaven, the third realm.
It is called Awen, the underworld, the place of darkness.
The other races were banished for their sin to the Second-Fold, the Nelia'aylia and Shan'tarin though they did not sin, sin had been introduced by Andras to Heaven, thus the mortal races couldn't exist in Heaven, but Diu promised a way to return... one day...
And in Awen far from the Light of Heaven or even the Second-Fold Andras sat on his new dark throne in Awen, his fellow traitor Angli with him, and he planned to return...
Feb 10, 2007
The Blood Prophecy
From the oldest blood, the first born in this world...
A warrior, a king, shall rise...
From the beginning of time they were blessed, they were cursed...
It shall begin with a Poet, a writer...
And it shall end with their last blood on the altar of this world...
Written by an unknown hand, in an unknown year...
A warrior, a king, shall rise...
From the beginning of time they were blessed, they were cursed...
It shall begin with a Poet, a writer...
And it shall end with their last blood on the altar of this world...
Written by an unknown hand, in an unknown year...
Jan 31, 2007
Oh! Gravity.
Oh! Gravity.
Wait... I already said that didn't I? Switchfoot came out with a new album named, yes you guessed it, "Oh! Gravity." Now, this is a strange name for an album eh'? Well, we have "The Legend of Chin", "New Way to Be Human", "Learning to Breath", "The Beautiful Letdown", and "Nothing is Sound", as their previous albums so its *not* that weird, at least innately :P that was supposed to be funny because it made no sense... never mind...
Yet one thing is wrong here...
One innate (that word keeps popping up) fact in the name of this new album that defies the innate (What the Awen! It happened again...) rules of Switchfootery... do you see it too mortal? Does it make your mind pulse with pain imagining what deluded fool of a Bantha would ever do this? (Scratch that)
Well, look closely at the titles, each are typed exactly as they should be, notice though that in the title of "Oh! Gravity." There is a period at the end! What is that doing there? Like every album of anything has *no* period, exclamation point, or even a question mark, yet this one does? Awen, makes my head quake with divine pain, hmmmmm.... or maybe undivine pain?
Well, you figure it out why, awesome album though, by the way Switchfoot is touring down here and is going to the House of Blues in march, sweet! Tickets are 24$ a person, and its open to all ages.
By the way, Awen is the Celtic word for the Underworld, just so you don't think I'm some kind of pervert, ok just wanted to clear that up...
Later folks,
P.S) Watch out for Trollkin
Wait... I already said that didn't I? Switchfoot came out with a new album named, yes you guessed it, "Oh! Gravity." Now, this is a strange name for an album eh'? Well, we have "The Legend of Chin", "New Way to Be Human", "Learning to Breath", "The Beautiful Letdown", and "Nothing is Sound", as their previous albums so its *not* that weird, at least innately :P that was supposed to be funny because it made no sense... never mind...
Yet one thing is wrong here...
One innate (that word keeps popping up) fact in the name of this new album that defies the innate (What the Awen! It happened again...) rules of Switchfootery... do you see it too mortal? Does it make your mind pulse with pain imagining what deluded fool of a Bantha would ever do this? (Scratch that)
Well, look closely at the titles, each are typed exactly as they should be, notice though that in the title of "Oh! Gravity." There is a period at the end! What is that doing there? Like every album of anything has *no* period, exclamation point, or even a question mark, yet this one does? Awen, makes my head quake with divine pain, hmmmmm.... or maybe undivine pain?
Well, you figure it out why, awesome album though, by the way Switchfoot is touring down here and is going to the House of Blues in march, sweet! Tickets are 24$ a person, and its open to all ages.
By the way, Awen is the Celtic word for the Underworld, just so you don't think I'm some kind of pervert, ok just wanted to clear that up...
Later folks,
P.S) Watch out for Trollkin
Jan 22, 2007
A Quote...
"Alone We Stand, The Remnant of the Faith that Brought us Here, yet We Stand None the Less..." The Prophet, The Wanderer of Ages...
Kitten RPG
Ok, maybe there should have been a comma between the title words...
Of course if I was really geeky I would post my Cat's d20 stats here...
I here you shaking in your boots, well fine I might spare you then. Well, this week I'm GMing (Game Mastering) a WoT (Wheel of Time) rpg (Role-Playing Game) session, my second (as in this is after my first time, sorry :p couldn't help myself), it should prove a challenge, but this time my lips won't feel like dried tomato's and my back won't hurt like Awen, so I should do better. Say that is an excuse, but GMing and dried lips aren't a good combo.
Enough griping!
Some of my adoring fans probably haven't seen my Cat, and 0ur two other's.
So here is some picts, mine is the one that looks like a raccoon :) his name is Merlin and he has tendencies to use high level Arcane magics (his favored spell is Kitten Charisma) when needed. Watch your back around this coon cat or he may have you serving him kitten treats (he loves them, even though the ones we have smell like heck, guess cats don't mind) all day long...
They have grown a lot since these picts, so I will post more when I can.
Anyway, I feel nerdy, (stop reading here if you are getting worried, you have very good reason to be) so here you go...
Name: Merlin The Wiz
Race: Magical Beast (Cat)
HD: d1, HP 17
Class: Wiz o' a Cat 14/Kitten Ninja 3
Saves: Will 1627, Fort 738, Reflex 456782
Attack Bonus: 50/45/40/35/30/20/15/10/5 (Rake, Claw, and Rend)
Reputation: -200
Defense: 5000
Stats: Strength 3, Dexterity 37, Wisdom 1782, Intelligence 3, Constitution 4, Charisma 3567289339487625367485939827265464783902498576352436745895039287263547849
Equipment: Collar/Bell.
Spells: 100/90/80/70/60/50/40/35/30/25/20: Kitten Charisma, Thunder Meow, Sonic Squeal, Fluffy Tail Slash of Earthen Glory, Keening Sound of Chaotic Madness, Purr of Persuasion.
Special Abilities:
Raccoon Polymorph (innate): Merlin always has the Spell "Polymorph (Raccoon)" cast on him to a degree. If he chooses he can enhance his Raccoon appearance to trick adventures as he lunges for their throats (everyone knows Raccoons are nice and are unsuspecting).
Frenzy Rake (EX N): If Merlin successfully attacks his enemy he can make 300 free attacks against them all at critical damage (x8) and each poisons (DC 500). No save is required by his victim.
This can be done as many times a round as needed to make his enemy fall.
Kitten Eyes (EX W): All Diplomacy/Bluff checks against humanoid creatures get a bonus of +6000, also any attack against Merlin must be roll a clean 20 on their d20 roll five times on a roll then make a Wisdom check (DC 100) then under go a Will Save (DC 400) if they succeed this then they do 1 point of damage and suffer 100d20 Charisma damage to their character worth.
This should destroy the attackers soul effectively.
Feline Martial Arts (EX N): Merlin can choose to use his Martial Arts skills and instantly drop anyone to the ground (I.E 0 hp) this is a free action and can be used every round 400 times.'
Tiger Lunge (EX N): If Merlin waits a full round he can jump 600' and make a free attack at max attack bonus against his enemy.
Merlin will usually be either hiding in dense shrub or is being gloomed by his servants.
If he is waiting in shrubs he will wait till the group of players get within 30' then ready for a lunge. He will then lunge at the player with the largest shoelaces and do all in his power to destroy the shoelace.
He only uses magical attacks if the shoelace delivers at least 2 points of damage to him.
Once the shoelace is destroyed he will retreat into shrubs or assorted cover and wait a round.
If the players approach the shrub he uses a Thunder Meow to scare them off (Will save DC 5000).
He repeats this till all the shoelaces are destroyed or the players come close, if the players provide further agitation he will lunge for their jugulars.
Remember the Merlin is a docile beast under normal conditions, merely provide your shoelaces or other stringy/bouncy objects to him as homage and he will relinquish his attack.
If you are dumb enough to face Merlin in battle wear earplugs to block his sound type attacks, and a neck guard for some protection from his lunge attacks at your vital throat organs.
His only weakness is water, if you manage to escape over a river or throw some at him he will retreat 30' then send a lv. 7 fireball to convert you into a pile of smoldering ash.
I told you not to attack him.
Closing Remarks:
All in all, Merlin is a good alley and a fierce enemy, treat him well and magical powers of near divine worth will be on your side, if you don't treat him well, prepare for brutal death mortal.
Jan 17, 2007
Heavens' Creed
Heavens’ Creed
Act I: The life to reach the Creed
I looked to the stars pale and holy, the first born, the greater light…
They would sing my path as I walked on…
First I met hate…
Then love…
It cheated me once and I tried to find a path, yet fell again…
I watched the stars, they wavered and watched me as I left the Hill of the Stars and retook my path...
Swearing purity I went on… trials, anger, love not divine… they challenged me yet one fact, one word held my feet, held my course…
Heaven’s Creed…
The only path I could follow…
The only path I found true…
Though I passed through false love again, I found hope in words of divine wisdom…
The Creed of Heaven…
Love, Hate, Rage, Lust, and then false love of mortality…
Like flames I passed through them, taking scars, gaining strength…
I wept no tears as tears I saw wept, as faith guided me through the ignorance and barbarity of a single man, a man with no path, to see his soul to light or darkness…
blinded by mortality he fell with words of a fool on his lips, creating rifts and lies, his words after tears only made strength…
He succumbed to ignorance without obtaining power by darkness…
Passing through the first tear of my friends and kin I raced forward…
It was in those days I grew, I shed childhood, I became what I was to ever be… a man, ruled by a Divine Creed…
Act II: The Reasons for the Creed
Politics, Religions, People…. They all are linked, the three greatest mortal powers that move the world…
I chose none of these, I chose a path among the thorns, I chose truth above feelings, though feelings drove me to rise above them…
And I found my path…
Words formed, words died, and I saw truth in letters, of script and verse…
For a year’s time I mastered the pen and still yet it grows within me…
Yet from that first day, I knew who I was, who I was to become…
They moved me, they moved my friends… even as I look at the stars I see actions raging, like friction they create resistance against each other…
Words never turned over a soul to light not darkness… the man speaking the words… the man writing the words turned that soul…
A pen can never conquer the world…
A book can not change a life…
A verse will not redeem a soul…
But the speaker, the writer through words can sculpt emotions…
Rage at truth…
Pride at lies…
Loyalty at truth…
Lust at lies…
Words never touched me… a God touched me…
Through words Divine I found the truth, and I vowed loyalty through its truth…
Through words not Divine I found lies, and I was smitten by my own spirit and became proud…
Through words not Divine I found lies, I was eaten away by my own lust…
Through words Divine I found truth, I felt rage white and hot at the lies of the world, of the Creed of man… but I found something more then mere rage in those words so Divine…
I found Love, true love… redeeming love, grace, mercy…
I found the answer to ‘the’ question… I found what I had always searched for!
Act III: The Answer to My Faith
Love was the answer! The thing that I had let rule my life and more importantly actions… Yet not mortal love. Love Divine!
Faith to Love and Love to strength my Faith…
I believed, and I knew truth Divine…
I believed in a single Creed…
The only Creed…
I believed in my God, the unknown God…
I believed in what I knew was true…
I believed…
I had found love, yet not mortal love that had cheated my own feelings and turned me to the path of a fool!
Love Divine! It was true, there was hope for man, there was a way to be redeemed…
As a child I knew I was unholy…
As a youth I knew the Terran had Fallen…
As a man I knew I required redemption…
And as a child I received his love…
And as a youth I learned the ways of God…
And as a man I adopted a new Creed…
I returned to the Hill of Stars…
Act IV: Heavens’ Creed
They gazed down at me, I had been but a boy when last I had come, yet now I was the being I would be forevermore…
“I have found the truth, I have seen the love Divine!” I cried to the night...
The stars danced and sang, and I saw my destiny, I knew what I had become…
I put faith in a promise, I still succumbed to my own instincts as I struggled up that hill, yet I had gained that day of repentance the ability to reach the top, to see the stars…
“Is this what I am? Reborn in love Divine? Is this what I was supposed to do?” I cried again to the stars.
And then in shimmering glow, in silver light, I knew…
I knew then, in that moment, just like another of living breath, I knew then that I had become what I must.
I had signed my life to a Creed, a set of ideals and morals, of Faith to Love…
This Creed has a name, nothing but letters on paper, but in the soul a light, a truth Divine…
I had become a new warrior for a new cause…
I had abandoned a mortal race, a faction to serve…
I had given up all mortal Creeds…
From that moment forward I took Heavens’ Creed to my heart…
Act I: The life to reach the Creed
I looked to the stars pale and holy, the first born, the greater light…
They would sing my path as I walked on…
First I met hate…
Then love…
It cheated me once and I tried to find a path, yet fell again…
I watched the stars, they wavered and watched me as I left the Hill of the Stars and retook my path...
Swearing purity I went on… trials, anger, love not divine… they challenged me yet one fact, one word held my feet, held my course…
Heaven’s Creed…
The only path I could follow…
The only path I found true…
Though I passed through false love again, I found hope in words of divine wisdom…
The Creed of Heaven…
Love, Hate, Rage, Lust, and then false love of mortality…
Like flames I passed through them, taking scars, gaining strength…
I wept no tears as tears I saw wept, as faith guided me through the ignorance and barbarity of a single man, a man with no path, to see his soul to light or darkness…
blinded by mortality he fell with words of a fool on his lips, creating rifts and lies, his words after tears only made strength…
He succumbed to ignorance without obtaining power by darkness…
Passing through the first tear of my friends and kin I raced forward…
It was in those days I grew, I shed childhood, I became what I was to ever be… a man, ruled by a Divine Creed…
Act II: The Reasons for the Creed
Politics, Religions, People…. They all are linked, the three greatest mortal powers that move the world…
I chose none of these, I chose a path among the thorns, I chose truth above feelings, though feelings drove me to rise above them…
And I found my path…
Words formed, words died, and I saw truth in letters, of script and verse…
For a year’s time I mastered the pen and still yet it grows within me…
Yet from that first day, I knew who I was, who I was to become…
They moved me, they moved my friends… even as I look at the stars I see actions raging, like friction they create resistance against each other…
Words never turned over a soul to light not darkness… the man speaking the words… the man writing the words turned that soul…
A pen can never conquer the world…
A book can not change a life…
A verse will not redeem a soul…
But the speaker, the writer through words can sculpt emotions…
Rage at truth…
Pride at lies…
Loyalty at truth…
Lust at lies…
Words never touched me… a God touched me…
Through words Divine I found the truth, and I vowed loyalty through its truth…
Through words not Divine I found lies, and I was smitten by my own spirit and became proud…
Through words not Divine I found lies, I was eaten away by my own lust…
Through words Divine I found truth, I felt rage white and hot at the lies of the world, of the Creed of man… but I found something more then mere rage in those words so Divine…
I found Love, true love… redeeming love, grace, mercy…
I found the answer to ‘the’ question… I found what I had always searched for!
Act III: The Answer to My Faith
Love was the answer! The thing that I had let rule my life and more importantly actions… Yet not mortal love. Love Divine!
Faith to Love and Love to strength my Faith…
I believed, and I knew truth Divine…
I believed in a single Creed…
The only Creed…
I believed in my God, the unknown God…
I believed in what I knew was true…
I believed…
I had found love, yet not mortal love that had cheated my own feelings and turned me to the path of a fool!
Love Divine! It was true, there was hope for man, there was a way to be redeemed…
As a child I knew I was unholy…
As a youth I knew the Terran had Fallen…
As a man I knew I required redemption…
And as a child I received his love…
And as a youth I learned the ways of God…
And as a man I adopted a new Creed…
I returned to the Hill of Stars…
Act IV: Heavens’ Creed
They gazed down at me, I had been but a boy when last I had come, yet now I was the being I would be forevermore…
“I have found the truth, I have seen the love Divine!” I cried to the night...
The stars danced and sang, and I saw my destiny, I knew what I had become…
I put faith in a promise, I still succumbed to my own instincts as I struggled up that hill, yet I had gained that day of repentance the ability to reach the top, to see the stars…
“Is this what I am? Reborn in love Divine? Is this what I was supposed to do?” I cried again to the stars.
And then in shimmering glow, in silver light, I knew…
I knew then, in that moment, just like another of living breath, I knew then that I had become what I must.
I had signed my life to a Creed, a set of ideals and morals, of Faith to Love…
This Creed has a name, nothing but letters on paper, but in the soul a light, a truth Divine…
I had become a new warrior for a new cause…
I had abandoned a mortal race, a faction to serve…
I had given up all mortal Creeds…
From that moment forward I took Heavens’ Creed to my heart…
Jan 2, 2007
It's A NEW YEAR!!!
Break out the sparkling wine! Its the New Year, and I hope all have a very happy one!
A little update on Seventh Hope... Next Sunday, maybe... I worked last week till the keys broke on the keyboard and I pulled two all nighters, so don't blame me! I hope it will be done soon......
Regardless, happy new years and hope you have a very happy blogging year.
A little update on Seventh Hope... Next Sunday, maybe... I worked last week till the keys broke on the keyboard and I pulled two all nighters, so don't blame me! I hope it will be done soon......
Regardless, happy new years and hope you have a very happy blogging year.
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