Dec 1, 2007

Giving Up The... Faux Pas?

"Bah! What is wrong with this?"

It is a question I ask myself many times. Even more so when a story isn't going my way... I've been working on the "Faux Pas" story, which I was going to be story one for my little compilation, that I've been working on. For some reason it won't work. But I'll make it work. I hope. I don't get why I was able to write "For This Reason of Vice" in a way that I enjoyed, but "Faux Pas" won't go my way. It's annoying.

I think story three is going to be good though. Maybe I'll move onto that for now. Mainly though, I've diverted more of my time to scholastic activities. Like, as I mentioned last post, getting the GED. Once high school is no longer an issue I can easily divert my time to other things. That makes me a happy panda.

Writer's Digest is having another contest in the Spring. It allows a little more elbow room with the word count. I'm defintely sending something in for that. Post-GED, I'll have the time to get a few submissions in.


General Equivalency Diploma. Those three words create a certain uncertainity in me. A slight itching on the back of my neck... my toes rapidly get cold (if I'm not wearing socks). And I start to smell 80's cologne as I imagine a room filled with a lot of so-called losers trying to make up for past failures in the realm of high school education. And I don't know if you've ever come across 80's cologne... but it smells much different then the modern stuff. In a bad way. Oh yes... a very bad way...

But then a shining light lifts away it all... the losers, the itching... the cologne... yes, even my toes grow comfortable... and warm. As if I'm snuggled up close to a fire which warms my very soul. This light... it is called... GED-"OWNAGE"!

In the days preceeding Thanksgiving I cracked open a tome titled "GED-2007" or somethign like that. I took the practice test. It's got five parts. There is... Writing, Writing (essay), Social Studies, Science, and Math. I scored 80% on both writing and social studies. Can't grade the essay, cause it is precisely that, an essay. and I got 76% on science. I hit math and a Trig problem brought me to my knees. However... this is good news. Trig is looking the hardest of the math, and armed with the allowed calculater and a feverish study of the subject, I feel much better about it. The wonderful book also has a section on the required knowledge of the math section. So I've got my resources just waiting to be tapped.

But the good thing is, around 55% is passing grade. So i've got everything but math covered. That makes me happy. They say science is the hardest subject, and boy, was I relieved when I checked my answers and got 38 out of 50 questions right. Still, there is plenty of room for improvement. But, there is something so comforting about having a firm grip on my graduation. If nothing but basic trig stands in my way, then victory is near.

So I've been studying and soon I'm going to take the math portion. Wowzers, God is good.

Writer's Digest Stole My Soul

Only for a few night though. In which time I was writing for one of fore-mentioned company's contests. The deadline is Dec. 3. And I'm putting finishing touches on my "maybe" submission as I write this. Well... not "right" when I'm writing this, but you know, in general...

The thing is, the contest is a short, short, story contest. 1,500 words or less. That's really small. About three pages or less, small. My would-be submission clocks in at 3,000 unedited. That's really (relatively!) big. I got to cut it in half. I hate it when I have to cut stuff to size. Each sentence you kick out is like a little piece of time being put to the fires of uselessness. Oh well...
The main problem though is that... well, I have to write something good. I am pretty happy with the story as a whole, but not if I have to cut half of it out. And I don't really know how else to do it.

Wish me luck if you would, good reader. I got a few ideas... hopefully I can pull it out by Monday.

On the up side though... I bought some Flyleaf songs last night. And they're pretty cool. I've been meaning to get some of their stuff for a long time, so that's cool. It's a strange thing, in that their vocalist isn't great, and the musicianship is okay... but they possess an energy and... sincerity? That is quite appealing.

Laterz, reader.