Mar 10, 2007


Hey folks, fans, and non-alcoholic beverages!

I know what your thinking, its really *not* coming out this friday, I mean Christian will *never* finish a book. Or maybe that's what I'm telling myself :P In a sense yeah, but "Poet: Dragon Marked, Damned to the Light, Nevermore In Falling" is coming out!!!! Its my short story (as my previous shorty story became a short novel) set about 10000 years prior to Seventh Hope. Be the way, I keep catching flak for the name Seventh Hope, (talking to you Matthew!!!) Seventh Hope is a term of endearment, such as Dear, Honey, Sweetheart. Excluding the "Poet" series my names are based on abstract aspects of the overall mythology, so yeah weird names.

Yes, Poet has logical names like Dragon Marked, Damned to The Light, Nevermore In Falling. Or Foundation of a Legend, Foundation of Souls which is chapter 4 of the series.

Anyway, expect this epic this Friday... I can't believe its all must done!!!

1 comment:

Leah said...

Hi Christian,
Wow, I can't believe you are so close to finishing it! Congratulations. :-)
