Feb 11, 2007

A Preparation for Heaven: Part 1/3

Well, I'm hoping I'll have The Poet: Chapter 3: Ascension by Wednesday Night or Thursday Morning, fully edited, and ready to be published :) Well maybe not published, but in its final version, this means I'll have a very hard three days a head of me. Thats a cue to start those prayers for divine strength.

In the mean time, every day (hopefully) I'll be here with what page I'm at and far more importantly some background history and stuff to prepare you for the book. Its not that the book won't have explanations in it, but not to pat myself on my back... my world is massive! From Shadows, Rose Knights, Shan'tarin, and Frost Drakes it takes the variety of D&D and polishes it without losing the awesome amount of content, and then it slaps a Tolkien and myriad of other influences and mashes them into a paste to coat over it all. Yes the Trollkin dress similar to Wraiths in Stargate: Atlantis, and then C. S Lewis with talking animals, Legend of Zelda: with Navie (Alpha is loosely based on her) then everything else from the Heroes games (Creature Design) to English Gentlemen of the 18 century for Timin O'donnel.
It goes on, but man I'm ranting so here is part 1 of 3 of the Preparation of Heaven...

Long ago, so long ago that even the eldest of the first years of are world can't remember seven worlds existed, each one supported the first of the human race. Their creator was Diu, the High God, the Lord of Harmony.
The seventh world he named Heaven, and took it as his throne in his new universe.
And there he created the Immortal Angli (Silver-Hand(Based on Welsh) for Divine One) his servants, desiring mortal servants he created the first races, the Fore Races as they became known.
Terran, Sidhe, Nelia'aylia, Dimidium(Comprising both Wee-Folk and Boulge(Silver Hand)), Shan'tarin, Shadow(Unknown), and Dragons. Andras Destran Lord Captain of the Angli host and second only to Diu saw the handy craft of Diu, and he secretly believed he could improve upon what he had done, especially the Terran, who didn't have many of the gifts given to the other races.
Thus Andras secretly started delving into Necromancy, the practice of using the Element of Darkness to reanimate the dead.
But at this time death did not exist in Heaven, but while Andras whiled away his years mastering the dark arts Diu had created another dimension to the world of Heaven, the Nameless Plane, the Second-Fold as it would be later called by some, but most merely knew it as Heaven, though not Heaven True. Here he created the lesser Races, Griffins, Unicorns, and all the beast-like but possessed of soul creatures.
He saw he had created the Dragons to rule and be not equals with the other races, thus he set them as rulers over Second-Fold.
In the Second-Fold death did exist, but none of the creatures there knew sin, and they died and lived with impunity.
Andras now had perfected what he thought to be the 'cure' to the Terran or Human as they called themselves now, he would slay them then resurrect them and rework their very being granting them immortality and powers beyond any of the other races, for Andras liked the Terran, but disliked the Sidhe above all.
When the world was created each race was created with one male and one female, but a few years later four more of each race were created, two male and two female.
Adamae was the first Terran, and he was appointed by Diu (for Diu intended the Terran to be the dominate race) as Lord over the mortal portion of Heaven, the two other mortal men were to be his High Captains, their names were Shael and Valuan.
In Adamae Andras saw his first subject to be reworked by his magic.
Adamae was proud having been given control of the whole of mortality, and he said to himself that he deserved even more control instead, as he surmised, a puppet on the string controlled by Diu. Thus when Andras came to him in secret and used his pure charisma to convince him to join him in the cleansing of his race he willing joined to gain immortality through the dark arts.
Adamae was transformed by Andras, his first follower to an unknown goal, yet soon Shael and Valuan followed in step having their own goals.
But Diu saw Andras transforming his chosen people into dark creatures, which Andras thought were stronger. Even though the transformation was successful though Andras had only started the study of his dark craft and many ill side affects occurred, Adamae and his kin now appeared like corpses for though Andras could bring them back to this plane of existence he could not restore the spark of life that made things grow and truly live, thus they remained pale yet still their earthly handsome looks remained, a mix between Human and Dead, noble in their own right, handsome in their strange way, but hideous and disgusting.
They also could not stand the Light which shunned their new dark forms, they couldn't sire children, and they could only remain in there physical form if they took the life blood from other creatures or through sources of innate power such as The Bitter Falls.
Diu saw how his High Captain had betrayed him and prepared to confront Andras and intended to banish him from Heaven.
Andras saw the intent of Diu and knew he was far from the perfection state he would create for Humanity, and his hatred for Diu disturbing his work and intent of exiling him and rejecting him lashed out as he used his new puppets Adamae, Shael, and Valuan who's lives were now hinged on the wishes of the Angli to gather all the Terran and other races, and all joined the new Dark Lord in his cause to destroy Diu and take his throne. All joined, save the Shan'tarin, and Nelia'aylia who sided with Diu.
And Andras set about teaching the Humans and Sidhe how to use the Elements as he did to create and destroy, but with only limited success. He did however form many of the Humans into Fampir(Welsh), as he named the transformed humans.
And drawing all his supporters among the Angli Andras set out with his army to the capital city and high throne of Heaven, Celestial, and attacked it.
The remaining Angli though still outnumbered Andras's, though Andras had the mortals, but Diu the Shan'tarin and Nelia'aylia to which both he had taught and granted some of them the use of the Elements to use in the defense of Heaven.
Battle ensued and a short bitter war erupted, and in a single battle Andras was defeated, he stood on the Hill of Stars and battled with Diu with his sword he had renamed 'n grai Archeba which meant in Silver Hand, New Order. But he was resisted by the immortal sword Amilian and wielded by Diu Andras was cast down to the lowest plane of Heaven, the third realm.
It is called Awen, the underworld, the place of darkness.
The other races were banished for their sin to the Second-Fold, the Nelia'aylia and Shan'tarin though they did not sin, sin had been introduced by Andras to Heaven, thus the mortal races couldn't exist in Heaven, but Diu promised a way to return... one day...
And in Awen far from the Light of Heaven or even the Second-Fold Andras sat on his new dark throne in Awen, his fellow traitor Angli with him, and he planned to return...

Feb 10, 2007

The Blood Prophecy

From the oldest blood, the first born in this world...
A warrior, a king, shall rise...
From the beginning of time they were blessed, they were cursed...
It shall begin with a Poet, a writer...
And it shall end with their last blood on the altar of this world...

Written by an unknown hand, in an unknown year...