Mar 17, 2007

Saint Patricks's Day for a Poem,

Today as you surely know is Saint Patrick's Day. Since I know it too I have been eating unconditional amounts of scones and listening to U.K music (Saint Patrick was English you know). Also I decided to write a brief three page (I hear you James!) poem about Saint Patrick.

Unlike my other poems I've so far posted which have been decidedly "Free Verse" (which is by the way a style of poetry, T.S Eliot used it as many modern poets do) granted this was because I was to lazy to study a certain style and then implement it. Looking up styles I finally settled on making my own, a loose style that is so...

4 lines,
First two lines have same starting word, and have 2-3 similar and/or opposite words.
Second two lines are total free verse but can adhere to same code, or have a slight twist on it.
Something to note, this style works a whole lot better on abstract things, rather then objects.
S= Similar
O= Opposite


Blue Train(S), is like menial(O),
Blue Locomotive(S), is like noble(O),
Please Train save my bitter Balrog,
I pray O' Hybrid Car of Hydrogen, courage for this fall,

(Then next line and so on...)

So that's the basic style, but the order of lines and such is like this...

As many basic lines as you want, then have a total free verse four lines.
Then have a twelve free verse line, except for last five lines of the twelve lines. Do a basic four line there except insert a line between the two line halves.

Then give it another free verse four lines together, then a final one line free verse which deals with the title of the Poem. Reading the poem should help clear up what I mean. I'm sure I'll improve the style a bit, and as always please give me your opinion. Thanks and enjoy! Oh', by the way, the poem is about the life of Saint Patrick, and if you haven't researched it you probably won't know what I'm talking about. Sorry :(. If you are interesting in the true life of Patrick then I can say "Let me die in Ireland" is great. Not the best writing, but its fiction, so its easier to get through. Its also relatively short. I haven't been able to find it though... and I don't remember the writers' name, but a google search *should* get you details on it.

Ok, here it is, and please leave comments! And lastly... I got sick the last two days, so sadly (and as many I'm sure expected) it will not be done today. Monday or Tuesday sound likely though. I plan on finishing the writing tonight and (so it will be *done* on Saint Patrick's Day!) edit it over the next one or two days. OK, sorry rambling really bad now, here you go...


A Roman name given him at birth,
A Irish name given to him at truth,
He lived with shattered faith,
The hope lost at religion,

These shuttered hard, don’t weep,
These shuttered weak, weep please,
What hope is there when he falls with the child,
When the eldest is the youngest,

Crime committed, tears not shed,
Crime committed, smile not relinquished,
Do not blame, do not fret to judge,
Noble as peasant, as menial was thought so cruelly,

Barbarians saved the soul, sinful
Barbarians saved the flesh, sinless
Menial to be,
Noble to lose,

Truth meant something now
Truth meant nothing then
Flee, don’t curse the dark, flee
Find the shore, naïve as fool, redeemed yet free

Serve pain and lose, lose to man
Serve pain and gain, gain to divine
Land in Barbarian lands,
Flee them in redemption now,

Hope found, he believed
Hope lost, Albion faithless
Broken, cursed, vanity is their breath,
Forgotten sins, repented, learned, forgot

Faith renewed him,
Faith broke them,
Reunion for a moment,
Visions for a lifetime,

Sought out, taught
Sought out, learned
Politics, weary of the cowards
Barbarians, blood lusted, cleansing lusting,
Are you numb Albion, comfortably numb,
Are you lost Britannia, wander lusting,
I tried to restore the faith,
God tried to help you my people,

Grant me this wish my elders,
Grant me this quest my teachers,
Believe again, believe me I have seen,
Believe in Christ, believe me I have felt,

Years spent, time wasted,
Years consumed, time learning,
Ready, faith guard, anger gone,
Ready, hope gone, lust guard,

Trust Broken, foolish betrayed,
Trust Shattered, wise trusted,
Prestige was his highest wish,
Souls was mine,

Wait, so long, so bitterly,
Wait, so reverently, so weakly,
Heroes, always hated,
Heroes, always fallen,

The world has broken,
The world has reborn,
Civilization has fallen,
Barbarianism has risen,

Darkness now rages,
Darkness now lost,
Vision ended, souls costs,
Forgotten in turmoil, all but perfectly lost,

Maybe I’m wrong, doubt the vision of message,
Maybe I’m right, believe the vision of deliverance,
When is my time O’ Lord,
When is my hope O’ Christ,

Now Hero,
Now Prophet,
We have given permission, quest forever, die forgotten,
We have cursed you, quest never, never again in Albion,

Rejected by country, by colleagues, by own people,
Rejected by church, by code, by own teachers,
Gone to Irene, finally back,
Gone to Hibernia, always there,

Let me live here, praised yet ridiculed,
Let me die here, forgotten yet remembered,
Hope given to the younger, hear their words,
Tradition binding the elder, hear their cries,

Gold bought passage to souls,
Gold purchased the price of souls,
Yet gold would not redeem them,
Yet gold did not save them,

Followed, believed, so many now free,
Forgotten, distrusted, so many now bound,
Years of waiting now passed,
Months of serving now spent,

Lay to rest, fallen in mere earth dwelling,
The stone to start an avalanche, success,
They had been lost,
He had shown them the truth,
God had shown them redemption,
Remembered now in carven stone,
In inscription of well, water flowing,
Sin of youth now cleansed,
Sin of aged now forgiven,
Death has no sting,
Remembered now in drunken revelry,
Remembered now in few truths,

Patron of forgotten land, forgotten Hero,
Inspiration of hope, forgotten Hero,
Things set new, from things long old,
Rebirth in legend, in poem, in remembrance of all,

Remember the perfectly lost Hero,

Christian, P.C

Happy Saint Patrick's Day Friends,

Mar 10, 2007


Hey folks, fans, and non-alcoholic beverages!

I know what your thinking, its really *not* coming out this friday, I mean Christian will *never* finish a book. Or maybe that's what I'm telling myself :P In a sense yeah, but "Poet: Dragon Marked, Damned to the Light, Nevermore In Falling" is coming out!!!! Its my short story (as my previous shorty story became a short novel) set about 10000 years prior to Seventh Hope. Be the way, I keep catching flak for the name Seventh Hope, (talking to you Matthew!!!) Seventh Hope is a term of endearment, such as Dear, Honey, Sweetheart. Excluding the "Poet" series my names are based on abstract aspects of the overall mythology, so yeah weird names.

Yes, Poet has logical names like Dragon Marked, Damned to The Light, Nevermore In Falling. Or Foundation of a Legend, Foundation of Souls which is chapter 4 of the series.

Anyway, expect this epic this Friday... I can't believe its all must done!!!

Something to Think On...

Some times you just have to close your eyes to hear the music, sometimes you just have to be silent to speak the truth, sometimes you just need to let go and give your self a chance to believe...