Sep 14, 2007

An Announcement of Sheer Epic Scope

Wow. I haven't been on blogger for months now, and haven't posted even longer. Feels like I just came home, just minus the aroma of apple pie and blueberry pancakes... alright, down to business... nah', just joking, I'm going to rant for hours like usual and call it a night! You know what I like most about my little blog here? The copyright right there on your... well... right. Love how it actually assumes I have anything decent. Quite comic.

Well, I am actually not going to rant. Never intended too, so here it is... 'it' being the announcement mentioned in this post's title.


Hard to believe? I don't expect you to believe, you have no reason to, so don't. I rather you not. Instead of dumping an email into your inbox though, I am making no assertions to quality and thus, not sending the done, finished, polished, deal to anyone that doesn't ask for a copy. Does that mean I don't think the story is even half way decent? No. But it means I won't make that judgment for you. I guess I haven't said what it is yet have I? Sorry, bad habit. It's a thirty-page exact (apple chancery, font) short story. The plot? It's thirty pages. If I tell you the beginning then you are half way through. Instead of rambling I'm just going to list all my projects.

*Main Writing Project 1 ETC Unknown : I've wanted to finish this for eight months. I called it seventh hope once, never again. What kind of name is that anyway? Standard youth vs. baddie, as of now but considering major revisions. State: In Development/Partial Draft(7)

*Main Writing Project 2 ETC Christmas? : I don't know what's wrong with me. I should have never even started this guy. Scenes are too hard to write, too long, and I didn't prepare enough beforehand. Placer name "Poet". That pretty much says the plot as well. It's half flashback, half unfolding events. State: In Development/Full Draft(3)

*Web Project ETC No Idea : I've been increasingly interested in doing a episodic story that I would post online every so often. Got an outline for a plot, and some characters. State: In Development

*Chronicles of Twilight: Volume One, For The Reasons of Vice ETC October 17# : Story I completed is basically a "single" from this collection of three stories including fore-mentioned single. Stories are: "The Beast." "For This Reason of Vice." and "Dimiduim Ordeal." Second is single. I swapped "The Beast" in for "Ring" cause latter was terrible, so that set me back. State: "The Beast" 1/10, "For This Reason of Vice" 10/10, "Dimiduim Ordeal" 7/10

*Main Writing Project 3 ETC: God Wills : This is the one that will put me on the map if anything will. This is far into the future, of course, because I could not possible write some of the scenes contained within at this point, nor could I spare the time. I've been getting characters, events, factions, plot hooks, for this thing for two years. Trilogy, and continuation of Main Writing Project 2. State: Development

Drop a comment and I'll email you a copy of the single. I've really started to focus on GED studies though, so writing taken a back seat. I can only say with surety that Chronicles of Twilight: Volume One will be done in any kind of time frame. Hopefully I'll be on here more, and a little more animated around. The last nine months have been... unfocused, so here's hoping the next nine are better, and a little more productive on my part.

Remember people, you should always ask yourself... are you for the Harvest Guild? Or against it...

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