Dec 1, 2007

Giving Up The... Faux Pas?

"Bah! What is wrong with this?"

It is a question I ask myself many times. Even more so when a story isn't going my way... I've been working on the "Faux Pas" story, which I was going to be story one for my little compilation, that I've been working on. For some reason it won't work. But I'll make it work. I hope. I don't get why I was able to write "For This Reason of Vice" in a way that I enjoyed, but "Faux Pas" won't go my way. It's annoying.

I think story three is going to be good though. Maybe I'll move onto that for now. Mainly though, I've diverted more of my time to scholastic activities. Like, as I mentioned last post, getting the GED. Once high school is no longer an issue I can easily divert my time to other things. That makes me a happy panda.

Writer's Digest is having another contest in the Spring. It allows a little more elbow room with the word count. I'm defintely sending something in for that. Post-GED, I'll have the time to get a few submissions in.

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